Food #5

30 2 6


3rd person pov

Minho and Jisung entered the cafeteria, everyone staring at them because minho doesn't usually hang out with people outside his friend group.
Minho just ignored the stares and focused on looking for an empty table, unlike Jisung who felt anxious and self-consious at all the eyes on him, not used to the attention. Unknowingly, he began to shake a little bit, unwanted thoughts clouding his mind. Minho noticed this and took the younger's hand into his own in hopes to ease the nerves that was very obvious on his pretty face.
"Don't worry about them sung, they're just nosey," The older of the two whispered in a comforting manner, doing his best to get the boy back to his bubbly self.
"Sung?" He giggled happily at the nickname
"Mhm sung... unless you want me to call you something else?" He said with a cocky smirk on his face, whispering the last part to try and fluster the boy, but the last thing he expected was for Jisung to flirt back.
"And what would that be?" He replied with the same flirty tone and just as much confidence. Minho froze for a second, surprised (and possibly a little flustered), but he regained his composure quickly.
"How about baby, would you like that?"
Jisung felt his cheeks heat up at that and opted to just look away and stay quiet.
Minho placed a finger under the younger's chin and slowly lifted his face up to meet his eyes "Its rude to not look at people when they're speaking baby"
Jisung felt an all too familiar fuzziness spread across his mind at the way the older was acting and the nickname,
"no," he thought, "this cannot be happening right now, I need to get it together and stay big otherwise minho 형 (hyung) might think I'm weird and then he'll never want to talk to me again, oh my God I'm so stupid-"
A little "are you okay, did I go too far?" snapped the younger out of his thoughts and only then did he realise his eyes had glossed over tears threatening to fall.
"Oh no you didn't do anything, sorry I just zoned out and got a bit lost in my thoughts   haha,"  he laughed it off awkwardly, "anyways, let's eat?"
The older was suspicious but shrugged it off with a small "yeah let's go" and went to sit at the nearest free table.
Jisung pulled out his chicken sandwich and began munching on it happily, his bubbly self returning. Minho also began eating his noodles, staring at jisung in total adoration. Despite them never really talking to eachother, minho - like jisung - constantly admired the other from afar.
Jisung paused when he felt a finger poke his cheek "yep, just as squishy as I thought." Jisung just looked at him with a 'what the heck' face, the boy just shrugged, "what, you're cheeks are cute - they make you look like a squirrel" (A/n: whats a minsung book without this line)
"Thanks?" Jisung replied, confused on whether it was an insult or a compliment but Minho's smile told him everything he needed to know.

The two laughed and joked for the rest of lunch, exchanging numbers when the bell went.
"See you later min hyung" jisung spoke with a big smile on his face
The older chuckled, "bye sungie," he smiled back at the younger boy, his cuteness being to much for the older's poor heart to bare.

-----Time skip bcs I'm lazy as hell-----
(A/n: baby jisung finally makes an appearance)

Jisung unlocked the door, removing his shoes and running to his room where his roommate and best friend was laying.
"LIXIEEEEEE" Jisung screamed jumping on his almost twin, who let out an oof at the sudden weight, but smiled once he realised what was happening.
"Hi baby, how was your day? I heard you hung out with minho today"
The little nodded enthusiastically, excited to tell the blonde boy all about his day, but he couldn't do so without his favourite plushie. He went to his bed and grabbed the stuffed animal whim he called quokka and began telling Felix about his day  "Otay so, minmin hyungie was sooo nice to sungie an den he eben cwall him baby (minmin hyungie was so nice to sungie and then he even called him baby)"
Felix smiled at the younger boy urging him to continue.
"Den he cwall sungie coot an he also howd sungie hand (then he called sungie cute and he also held his hand)"
Felix was not shocked at all by this as minho was very obvious about his liking to jisung but he exaggerated his reaction to make the little happy.
"Really! Wow thats amazing sungie, maybe you can hang out with him more but don't forget about lixie hyung"
"Nuuu I nebe fwoget wixie 'yungie (nooo I'll never forget lixie hyungie)" jisung protested, felix assuming he slipped younger as his lisp became more apparent and his thumb travelled to his mouth, felix pulling it away as he whined.
"Uh-ah we don't put our thumbs in our mouth, okay angel? Lixie hyung will get you a paci," he said while reaching into his drawer and pulling out a paci and wipes, watching as jisungs eyes lit up when he saw it. He wiped it down and popped it in the littles mouth booping his nose softly, letting him cuddle up to him, the baby giggling softly and snuggling his face further into his arm, all while mumbling a string of incoherent babbles behind the pacifier. Felix smiled at him, wondering how someone so adorable and precious could exist.
"You are so adorable sweetie" He told him knowing fully well the little got insecure from time to time so he always did his best to make him feel as comfortable, safe and loved as possible (also because he feels really protective of him but thats a secret shh)
He felt the boy go limp and his breath steady, meaning he had fallen asleep. He ran his hands up and down the others back soothingly and slowly drifted off into dreamland himself after setting an alarm so they wouldn't nap for too long and mess up their sleep schedule.

(A/n: phew 1060 words to try and make up for not updating in so long, my life is just really hectic and I'm struggling a bit. Idk why I'm telling you guys this but anyways if anyone needs to talk without judgement or wants advice my dms are open<3 apologies again for the well overdue update)

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