Winter Time

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It was a chilly March afternoon and Whitney Blanke got off the bus. The crisp air stung her nose and made her eyes water. As she walked down her long driveway she could hear the bus pull away and the sound of a snowblower. Before Whitney had even gotten off the bus or left school her mother had gone insane. Before school Whitney and her mother had gotten into a large argument about her grades. It had driven her mother over the edge. Ms. Blanke had raised her daughter by herself and was tired of how ungrateful she was. As Whitney approached her house she spotted her mother. Ms. Blanke froze as she saw her daughter and almost immediately advanced towards her. Whitney expected her mother to continue their argument but instead slammed her fist right into the side of her daughters head. Whitney fell to the ground and Ms. Blanke went right to work tying her wrists and legs together. When Whitney awoke she was positioned perfectly in front of her mothers snowblower. It rumbled in front of the 12 year old girls feet. She then saw it start to be pushed towards her. Ms. Blanke had started to run over her daughter with the machine typically used to get rid of snow not daughters. Whitney let out a loud shriek as the blades cut through her boots and hit her feet. Blood splattered all over the snow as Whitney Blanke was torn to shreds. Half way through Whitney's screams had turned to small gurgles. Then soon she stopped reacting. When Ms. Blanke was finished she felt relief as she didn't have to worry about her dissapointment of a daughter anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2023 ⏰

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