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Matt sat up, stretching wide, not caring if his hand smacked Kelly in the face. He looked over to see if he had and saw an empty bed. Shrugging, he got out of the sheets and headed into the shower. It was his apartment; it's not like Kelly would have run away. After turning the water off, he wrapped a towel around his waist and headed out to greet his boyfriend for the day. Walking out of Kelly's room, he tightened the towel slightly as he saw who was in the loft.

"Stella. I thought you were staying at Sylvie's."

"Yeah, I did; I just came back for the coffee maker. I want to show her- Damn, Casey, did you fall in the shower or something? Look like you're turning into the rainbow over there, all the colors." Stella gestured to his half-naked form.

Casey looked down at his body, confused. "What? No, I didn't fall. What are you talking about?"

"Why don't you go look in the mirror, pride parade."

So he did, heading back into Severide's bathroom and examining his body in the few minutes before he heard laughing in the kitchen. As he reentered the living space, Stella said, "Alright, well, I'm gonna go; I promised Sylvie and the gang they could try this, so I'll see you guys later on shift. Bye!"

She had walked away and out the door by the time he moved to smack Severide upside the head.

"What have I told you about marks above the collar?"

Kelly shrugged, rubbing the spot where his boyfriend had hit him. "Not to do that?"

"Yeah, so why do you keep doing it?"

The Lieutenant smirked, "'cuz it riles you up. You're cute when you're mad. Unless you're like pissed mad, that's not cute."

He looked away, grabbing a piece of buttered toast from a pile he had made. "Plus," he said around a bite, "Shows everyone that you're mine."

Matt still stood with his arms crossed and dripping onto the hardwood floors, not looking at all menacing. He had splotchy bruises all over his body, the light red ones from Kelly's fingers on his hips standing out against the olive backdrop of his skin. Even the currently invisible handprint on his right buttcheek was a bright cherry red. Matt knows; he checked. Whether or not that turned him on a little was privy to him. The dark purple and pink spots on his neck practically gave him a necklace, the bite marks like giant stones.

"God, if we didn't have a shift, I would take you back to bed and make sure you couldn't walk for the rest of the day. So, sexy right now, my marks all over your skin. Shit, baby." Kelly had turned to fully enjoy Matt at this point, admiring his hard work, strong hands gripping Matt's hips roughly.

"Fuck, stop talking. We'll never make it to work if you don't stop." Matt leaned forward onto his partner. He only let out a low moan as Kelly turned his head and breathed in the other's musk, savoring the smell of his coconut shampoo.


Dawson walked into the main room as everyone sat down with their food. After grabbing a plate for herself, she sat beside Casey, with his collar pulled up high, almost touching his ears.

"Casey, what's up with your collar? You got something to hide?" She saw him flush red, his hands reaching up to plaster it across his neck.

Everyone looked up at their Captain and started bombarding him, demanding he shows them what was under the collar. Eventually, he felt pressured enough that he lowered his only shield. Nearly all of the shift gasped, laughing and elbowing each other.

"Yeah, I had maybe too much fun last night." He said, looking across the table at Severide, who was wearing a smug smile and twirling a fork in his hands.

Gabby figured that Severide knew whoever put hickeys all over Casey's neck and was happy about the result. Before she could ask who it was, the bell rang, calling the ambulance for a person in distress.

Once Dawson and Brett had left, Chief clapped Severide on the shoulder and said, "Maybe a bit much, Kelly."

The rest of the day, Matt wore the bruises with pride, grinning a bit deliriously after he had stripped off his shirt in the locker room, and Otis said under his breath, "Jesus, there's more? I wish I was getting that kinda action." When Hermann turned to look at him with a judgmental face, Cruz leaned into his locker, praying to any God to make that happen. Capp patted him sympathetically before going to his truck, second shift over. Everyone went home that day feeling pretty sheepish about their own sex lives.

5 times gabby didnt realize kelly and matt were dating (and 1 time she did)Where stories live. Discover now