this is what my fandom is up to

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after Y/N and Cheesy sued Epic Burger for stealing the big mac, they just kept on their life...

2 months later

*phone call noises or some shit*

Cheesy: who the fuck are you? call this number again and i'll dox you on facebook bitch

Y/N: Cheesy its me, Y/N from this epic fanfic, can i sleep at your house?

Cheesy: sure lol, just dont make any mess

Y/N drives to Cheesy's house

*knock knock*

Cheesy opens the door with a shotgun

Cheesy: who the FUCK IS THE- oh, hi Y/N! *he drops the gun to the floor*

Y/N seems scared


Cheesy: lets see what my fandom is up to!

Both: YEAH!

they go to Cheesy's laptop and search hfjone the first character they think of (Liam) X the second character they think of (Bryce), they ironically put r34 at the end, but never imagined what they would see

they go to Cheesy's laptop and search hfjone the first character they think of (Liam) X the second character they think of (Bryce), they ironically put r34 at the end, but never imagined what they would see

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they saw liam x bryce po(pcorn) while they were cumming (why the fuck did i put this here of course theyre cumming), its really risky for me to put this since idk when i can get banned or something

Cheesy: ...

Y/N is scared of what cheesy is gonna do, then Cheesy looks at them and points at the username

Cheesy: this u?

Y/N: Cheesy its not what it looks like-

Cheesy: why did you do this?

to be continued in part 3 cuz no ideas fuck you

Cheesy HJF X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now