Plan in motion

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At the agency

Atsuthi pov

Just as i arrived at the agency i see the postman starring at the building weird. I walked up to him to ask what he was doing but he jumped gave me some papers an quikly ran away.

That was weird i thought to myself but is just put the thought away and enterd the building. Immediatly i was met with the sound of Kunikida-san scolding Dazai.

Just as i was planning to but the papers down Dazai-san jumped at me whining about Kunikida-san being mean. Luckly i didn't drop the post i thought to myself. 

I see you've finnaly arrived.' kunikida-san said.

And just as i want to anser Dazai quikly came behind me and said: 'Atsushi-kun your finnaly here now help me escape Kunikida-kun. 

'You're not getting away this time you suicidal maniac.' :Kunikida said.

I just laught it was nice to see that everything was back to normal cause when the president was posioned everyone was quite a bit in shock and scared that he wouldn't wake up. 

We atleast i was i don't know about the rest.

Suddendly Kunikida said: 'Now Atsushi what is that in your hand?''Oh this' i say waving de papers.

 Some guy standing in front of the building gave them to me and then he quickly ran away.

Oh thats weird can you please let me see the papers Atsuthi? kunikida-san asked. 

I just nodded my head and gave him the papers. Just as i was planning to start writhing my report from last mision i saw something lying on the ground.

I picked it up and saw that is was a ad for a dorayaki shop in Tokyo with a note on the back. 

I wonder who the note is for but i was put oout of my thought by Dazai standing behinde me.

He took the note out of my hand and said: 'what is this Atsuthi?'. But when he saw the note he became silent. 

I myself was confused as to what happend because it's quite weird for Dazai to suddenly become quiet.

Kunikida turd to us and asked Dazai what was going on and Dazai just told him to call in al the anther agency members cause were gonne have a meeting. 

I just stood confused on the side cause i had no idea what was going on.

I wonder if it had something to do with the ad but who knows. I guess i just have to wait for the meeting to find out what is going on. 

So i just went and started writhing my report cause i don't really have anything to do in the meantime.

About 10 minutes later everyone arived and the meeting started. 

Dazai started to tell everyone that Fyodor dostoevsky the enemy that we fased last time send us this ad with the note on the back.

Dazai apperantly send him to prison but suspected that he stil had a back-up plan and he was right. 

This ad was aparently a hint to how to stop his plan atleast that's what dazai suspects but he's right most of the time so i think it's true.

Ranpo agreed and he thought that there has to be a person conected to the ad and that person is most likely the one we need to stop. Other wise the future of yokohama might not be looking so great.

After Ranpo said that every one was quiet for a while until thepresident finally spoke. 

'We need to come up with a plan. Dazai you inform the port mafia of what happend maybe we can come to a agreement cause we have dealt with dostoevsky before and we won't beable do do this alone.

The we wil start with to come up with a plan to find out who the person is where looking for and who wil go to Shibuya. 

Everyone agreed that we wil start tomorrow so dazai can inform the mafia and we wil know who where working with.

At the port mafia

Aktugawa pov

I just came back from a mission when i got a call from my sister that come to the meeting room because the boss had something important to say.

I of course came as quikly as possible but when is arrived is was suprised to see dazai standing next to the boss. 

Just as i was about to say something the boss started talking.

'Ah, Aktugawa-kun what nice to see you here finally now that where al here we can finally start this meeting. 

So Dazai-kun what do you have to say.' I had in the meantime quietly sit down and was quite interested in what Dazai-san had to say.

'Well Mori-san.' Dazai said with a quite irritated tone to it. 

'I see you have also got the ad today so it seems like i don't need to explain al that much.

I was confused as to what he was refering to but Mori seemed to understand so i just went along with it.

We want to have a truce and work together to defeat him. Cause as you have seen you can't face him alone and waiting is also not a option cause then we won't even stand a chance.

I had now idea what was going on but in no way possible was i going to work with that tiger again.

Suddenly Chuuya started saying that they may know what was going on but that none of us have seen the note so was al don't now what is going on and of course he started saying that they could have done this in private so that he wouldn't have to see dazai's face.

I didn't agree with in on the last part but he was right with the first thing cause i really have no idea what is happening.

Finally Mori started speaking: 'We got a ad for an dorayaki shop in Tokyo and on the back is a note from dostoevsky the person who posioned me and the president of the agency.'

'What does the note say if i may ask' Ozaki asked. 

I myself was also quite interested in what the note said. wel it says that his plan isn't finished but we have a plan to stop it and if we do he wil give up and dissapear from Yokohama. 

He wil also no longer harm anyone in yokohama but that doesn't go for the rest of the world.

We think he's talking about a person with a extremly powerful ability. But this person might not be born with this ability cause dostoevsky has a page of the book. And that's about everything dazai said.

Everyone was silent for a while until Mori finally spoke: 'Oke Dazai-kun, we accept the truce so when wil we start making a plan?' 

Tomorrow we wil have a meeting so i guess is wil see you there again now if you wil exuse me i wil go back to the agency.

With that Dazai left and i couldn't even talk to him. 

Soon after Mori dismissed us al and i just asked my sister to go shopping cause we both don't really have anything to do.


Finally Stray dogs in Tokyo is now also on wattpad. I took me long enough to finally upload it on here.

I do hope you guys enjoyed reading this chapter. Do feel free to commend something cause i always love reading comments there alway so funny or relateble.

But anyway it will take me a while to upload the next chapter but i'm working on it it's just that i have a lot of test comming up and i want to make the chapter longer.

Btw is you see any mistakes or if you have any tips please tel me and that was al i hope you al have a nice day

Lots of love Bluebless_x

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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