Chapter Twenty-One

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Screams fill my eardrums as we watch the next set of riders take off in a flash. The line moves up and we've made it to the gate which means it's our turn next. At this point, I'm doing anything and everything I possibly can to not shit myself.

"We couldn't have chosen something more low-key to ride first? Because this one seems really intense," I huff, swaying timorously in my spot.

"The best thing to do is start you off with one of the most intense rides in the park, that way you can get it over with and you won't be scared getting on the other rides," Dean explains just as the next set of seats arrive. The gates open and I put my bag in the cubby across the way. Dean saves me a seat next to him and I jump in. We put our restraints over us and buckle our seat belts in.

"You ready?" Dean asks.

"Not really, no."

"Here," he says, holding out his hand palm-upwards. "You can squeeze it really hard when you get scared."

"Are you sure?"

"Sure as ever." I lock my hand with his and smile as the worker pulls on the restraint to make sure it's locked in.

"Are y'all ready to ride?!" The worker shouts over the speaker.

"OH YEAH!" A voice shouts from behind. I whip around to see Reed with his hands in the air, screaming random things. Maddie is sat next to him and rolls her eyes, clearly annoyed as he continues to yell a bunch of nonsense. I laugh at them and turn back around, my hand still intertwined with Dean's.

"Please keep your arms and legs inside the vehicle at all times and enjoy your ride," the speaker announces.

"Here we go," Dean says. I squeeze his hand on impulse and he does it back. Suddenly, my heart begins to thump louder and I'm not sure if it's from nerves or the fact that Dean and I are holding hands.

"Taking off in 3, 2, 1..."

I squeeze one more time before we're slung across the track into a dark tunnel. I let out a blood-curdling scream as we're pulled aggressively side-to-side. The cart slows down as we start going uphill. Just before we make it over the hill, Reed screams a very long and exaggerated, "Fuck yeah!"

Dean and I both laugh at his silliness but are cut off mid-sentence as we're thrown over the drop in an instant. Somewhere halfway through the drop, I unlatch my hand with Dean's and throw my hands in the air. I let the coaster take control of my body as I'm pulled in several different directions. After a minute or so, the ride comes to a halt and my chest jerks forward. Once we're stopped, I throw my head back and begin to mindlessly laugh along with everyone else in our group.

"That was awesome!" Dean cheers with a huge grin on his face.

A pair of hands grab my shoulders from behind. "How was that for your first big roller coaster?" Reed asks.

"It was awesome!"

"What's next?" Maddie asks.

"I say, Dominator," Dean suggests while raising his hand.

"I'm in," Maddie chirps and everyone agrees.

Once we make it off the ride, we spot Brandon's tall figure towering over the exit. He decided to stay off of this one because the cart was too small, leaving him cramped and uncomfortable due to his height.

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