Wake up Sleepy Head!

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Tommy was asleep in his bed, the rising sun beaming through the cracks in his curtains. Suddenly, His dad, burst through his door and turned on the lights. Tommy Groaned and covered his face with his blankets "its to early-" he said quietly, he was very tired. "Come on mate" His dad replied "we gotta go now if you don't want to be late to camp". He slowly made his way out of bed and got dressed, he was still not fully awake. 

When he walked out into the kitchen to make breakfast, he found his dad was two steps ahead of him. He handed Tommy a piece of peanut butter toast, he then got told that if wants anything else to eat, he would have to wait until they arrived at camp. Which would take another 3-4 hours. 

The two finally made it out the door and into the car, Tommy sat in the back, he was trying to fall back asleep but it was quite hard with all the bumps and potholes in the road. He had given up with falling asleep and now he was just staring out the window, trying not to get car sick. "Just to double check, but you have everything right?" his dad asked "your toothbrush, phone.." he droned, listing random things that Tommy might of forgotten. "I didn't forget anything Dad" Tommy said as he rolled his eyes and continued looking out the window. "Just making sure, look we are here now".

As soon as His Dad Parked, Tommy basically jumped out of the car, stretching his arms and legs. He was about to go inside the camp but then his dad called out "oi Tom man come help me with your bags", "Coming Dad!". He ran over there and picked up his backpack and a pillow, some of the lightest things that he could take. "What did you put in here? Rocks???" his dad joked.

They Finally got all the bags into the camp, Tommy kicked his dad out after they got the last one out of the car, saying he could take them to his cabin. He walked over to the Amphitheater, he was instructed to go there to find out what cabin he was in. Tommy lined up behind all the other campers, with his pillow in one hand and his phone in the other. He was also looking around the camp, trying to find his friends, which was kind of a struggle. "next!", Tommy walked forward and stared at the person sitting at the table. "What's your name?" they asked, clearly not in the mood to fuck around. "Tom Simons" Tommy replied, bouncing up and down. "You're in Cabin 2B, make sure to come back here for Lunch". 

Tommy made his way to Cabin 2B, hoping he had at least one friend in his Cabin group. As soon as he opened the door he heard a familiar voice "TOMS!" the voice yelled. He looked up and saw his bestfriend, Toby, sitting on one of the beds, "TOBY!" he replied, dropping his bags and going to give his friend a hug. "Have you seen the new activities?" Toby asked Tommy, "there's new activities?". Toby nodded "they have gone crazy with the new ones, there's Archery, and Kayaking, and I'm pretty sure I saw a rock climbing wall on the drive here!". 

Tommy sighed and chucked his stuff onto the bunk above Toby's, 'he was finally home' he thought. "Do you want to find the others?" Toby asked. Tommy turned around to face his friend, "yeah alright then". The two boys walked out the door to find their other friends, and not long after, another boy walked in, struggling to get all of his stuff into the room. (A/N was gonna make another plot around Bill but I just didn't 😭)

Tommy and Toby were walking around the camp, saying hi to all of the people they knew. The two of them were screaming and laughing like they have known each other for their whole lives. Which was technically true. Tommy and Toby met at camp when they were ten (5 years ago) and they have been inseparable ever since. They nearly made it round all the cabins, except for one, which they saved for last. At the last cabin, the pair saw a boy sitting on the porch out front. "WILBUR!" Tommy yelled to the boy, Tommy has known Wilbur and his family longer than he has known Toby. 

"HI WILBUR!", The boy looked up to see Toby, and Tommy running towards him. When they got to Wilbur, Tommy practically jumped on Wilbur, he lost his footing at the last minute and fell into Wilbur's lap. "Jesus Christ Tommy, are you okay?", Tommy quickly stood up and brushed himself off, "yeah I'm absolutely fine". Will rolled his eyes "of course you are. Hi Toby" he nodded, "hi Wilbur". 

"#CAN ALL CAMPERS PLEASE GO TO THE AMPHITHEATER FOR LUNCH!!#" a voice blasted over the intercoms. There was a massive hoard of campers at the amphitheater when Tommy, Toby, and Will arrived, the three of them struggled to find a place to sit. After a while, they finally found a table that was empty near the back. Right after they sat down the someone over the intercoms spoke "#WELCOME OR WELCOME BACK TO CAMP EVERYONE! MY NAME IS PHIL OR MR MINECRAFT AND I'M THE CAMP DIRECTOR THIS YEAR#" 


First Chapter Pog. ignore my spelling I am a dyslexic person.

This book was heavily inspired by @Theoisus so go Follow them frfr.

Ight byebye :D

Edit bc i forgot the word count but theres 893 words lmao 

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