~◇Chapter One: Part Two◇~

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◇Whats UA? Best Hero School
in Japan!◇

<"hi"> - Talking
<'hi'> - Thinking
<C/N> - Who's POV it is



Right it's decided. I'm going to be...'

"...an Underground Hero."

Killua Zoldyck

After making that final decision, I read through the unspoken laws of Underground Heros and the laws and morals of this 'Japan'. As I'd caught up on everything I needed to, I then left the library.

Wandering through the streets of this large city, I realized it's similar to York New and I also learnt that this city is called 'Musutafu'.

'Woah that's a big building' I stared up at the building on the hill. It wasn't nearly as big as Heaven's Arena but it was still huge. It had the letters 'UA' plastered on the front. 'Isn't that the place that book mentioned? A famous Rescue Hero works there right? I think it mentioned them teaching there... so it's a school? If a Pro Hero teaches there it must have some sort of hero couse right?'

"Planing on being a hero kid?" I blinked out of my daze and turned around to see a man that looks to be in his 40s.
"Hoping to get into UA? Good choice, it's the best one around but you probably already know that." I nodded. "It's big isn't it." I said. "Sure is. What's your quirk kid?" My ear flicked and my tail swished behind me. "Cat." I deadpaned 'Isn't it kind of obvious?' "Sounds interesting." He looked at his watch. "I've got to go kid. Try your best in the exam." He said as he turned away. "See ya." "Goodbye thank you." 'Thanks old man that info helped.' One of my signature cat smirks appeared on my face but immediately disappeared when I realised something, 'IS THAT WHY I'M A GOD DAMN CAT?!' Then I also remembered the times a cat tail and ears appeared and disappeared. 'It's been there the whole time....'


'I've gotta find a place to stay..' I was back to wandering the streets of Musutafu when the realisation of my lack of shelter slapped me in the face. 'Maybe I can just sleep in a tree? I could carve a sleeping spot. Oh wait i need a permit to mess with the trees. I could find one big enough.... wait a minute. When did I give a damn about permits?  I'll just carve out a nice place in the biggest tree in the area.' So thats exactly what I did. I found this really big tree and used the wood ,from some trees further into this big forest so it doesn't ruin the scenery, to set up some planks and made a little tree house. 'I'm so cool. I'll have to shoplift a blanket later. For now I have a decision to make.'

"So. If I go to UA I'll likely have a better chance of being a hero but I'll likely be in the spotlight a bit. Although, if I blend in as a background character I'll be able to avoid too much recognition. On the other hand, if I go to a less popular school I'll get less spotlight but I might get pitted up against UA at some point. And if their the best it would be difficult to lose without making it look like I did it on purpose. Hmm. Oh whatever, if I meet someone who's becoming a hero and I like them I'll go wherever they're going." I mumbled to myself.

I yawned loudly and sat up. Next, forging birth certificates and identification.

So I got to work scouting out a professional in the underground, while also using this as an opportunity to learn my way around. It didn't take me long, the guy was very clear on who he was. I walked up to him with confidence making it look as though I've been here millions of times before.
"Chika right?"
"Mhm what do you want."
"Fake ID and birth certificate."
"Follow me and make sure you have 10200¥ at hand." I simply nodded and followed.

We arrived at a small room with a table and two chairs either side, it was a furnished brown colour.. maybe oak wood? He sat and gestured to the seat opposite; getting the hint, I sat in the empty chair and he started the conversation.

"You got reasons?"
"Do I need to tell you to get one?" I replied and tilted my head mocking confusion.
"No. I'll take that as your not telling me then?"
"Yup." I replied popping the 'p'.
"Right." He collected papers from beside me and wipped a pen out of his pocket.
"Name, age, birthdate and time of birth?
I saw the year in a news paper so i just have to do some subtraction...
"Killua Paradinight. 16. 7th July XXXX XX:XX." He wrote the information.
"Gonna need you to sign on the ID and I need to take a picture of you." He slid a small pile of papers over to me.
"Mhm." I grabbed the pen and signed the papers handed to me after carefully reading over everything on every one(even the fine print).
"Cautious one ain't ya." I decided to ignore him and pointed out the fact we need to take a picture.

He nodded and got up, leading me to a white backdrop. I stood infront of it and put on an emotionless poker face. A bright flash signified the picture had been taken. It instantly printed out and I zoned out for the rest of the process of making the ID as I wasn't really interested.

"The money."
"Here you go." I handed him the money. 'How did Killua get yen?' I hear you ask. Aparently zenny is made of some pretty rare material here. So I just sold the lot of it. When? Don't ask.

I thanked Chiku (was that his name? Oh well.) and left the small room with all the paperwork stuffed in my bag. Soon after, I was back to the blinding surface and once again exploring. That was until I smelt the most enticing scent in a while (excluding Gon's) fish. I let my nose lead me until I came across some sort of school- doesn't matter. There's a koi pond. 'Wait why am I so attracted to these fis- oh wait.'


"Of course, like any other quirks there are downsides too. You will have a stronger craving for fish,"

<<Back to the present>>

'Oh' I realised 'Eh I don't care'. I walked towards it and crouched on the rim, grabbing one fish and taking a bite.
"Um excuse me...?"

1098 words

Hope you enjoyed sorry its shorter than the last.

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