how to love, steve harrington

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TITLE: how to love

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TITLE: how to love

LOVE INTEREST: steve harrington

OC: nycole byers

FACECLAIM: arden cho 

SHOW/MOVIE: stranger things 

TIMELINE: season 2 - season 4 

MAIN TROPE: best friends to lovers. flirty x oblivious. 

STATUS: open


love is an unfamiliar feeling to nycole byers. living most of her childhood in the orphange or with bad foster families caused her to not be familiar with what love is actually like. until she got adopted into the byers family where she finally felt welcomed and loved. she never fell in love with anyone either...that is until after she befriends the one and only steve harrington who shows her how to love.


Love is something that Nycole Byers is unfamiliar with.

Yes, of course she heard of it and maybe felt like she was loved once upon a time, but for most of her childhood she never felt loved. She never met her biological parents. For all she knows she has been in the orphanage or in foster homes her whole life. The orphanage wasn't that bad yet it wasn't great either. And some foster homes even gave her hope that maybe they would want to adopt her, but then that hope is crushed when she got sent back to the orphanage when the months or weeks were done.

Nycole started to lose hope that she would ever get adopted. That is until she was ten years old, Joyce Byers came to the orphanage she was at and adopted her, saying she wanted Nycole apart of her family. Family. Nycole barely remembered what being apart of a family is like. So even though she was relieved and beyond excited to be accepted into a family she took a while to open up to them. But after some time she eventually grew close to them all. Joyce was so ecstatic when she called her mom for the first time and the boys were happy that it seemed like she actually wanted to spend time with them whereas at first she just kept to herself.

Growing up she didn't have any friends. Maybe a few acquaintances but that's it. Enter Steve Harrington. She became friends with him in middle school despite them being complete opposites. Only thing they had in common was their music taste. You know how when you meet someone and you just click? That's what happened with Nycole and Steve. Nycole and Steve grow closer throughout the years, getting to the point where they're best friends.

Nycole always thought that Hawkins, Indiana was a boring town where nothing ever happened. But when her younger brother suddenly went missing and supernatural things start to happen, she realized that Hawkins, Indiana was quite strange and maybe not so boring after all. In her opinion though, the most exciting thing that happened to her is the fact that her best friend showed her how to love.


-this plot is very much inspired by the song show you how to love by now united 

-i have some quotes i would like used in this fic preferably during the scene where the teens fight the demobats with nycole saying "Did you see that? I just sliced up some demobats! It was so cool! I mean, yeah, of course it was completely terrifying and I'll definitely have nightmares because of it, but it was kind of cool!" & then with steve saying to her after that "How are you so adorable after we almost got killed by demobats?"

-i have some moodboards made for this so if you wanna use them just lmk but be sure to give me credit if you use them !

-honestly i based nycole's personality similar to kira yukimura's personality. kira is a character from the show teen wolf

-i based the quote i made for nycole off the quote kira says in teen wolf which is "That was awesome! I mean, completely terrifying, but kind of awesome." 

-steve & nancy dont get back together after the first time they break up 

-steve is for sure flirtatious with nycole but she doesnt realize that he is & is oblivious, just thinking he's being sweet 

-nycole is very close with her mom & brothers 

-nycole is of course close with the kids. besides will she's closest to one of the other kids, you can decide who that is, i was honestly thinking maybe dustin

-when steve & robin work at scoops ahoy nycole doesnt join them with working at scoops ahoy, but she does visit them quite often & ofc steve knows her ice cream order by heart (you can pick what her ice cream order is)

-nycole becomes best friends with robin (or maybe she already is best friends with her before robin works at scoops ahoy with steve, you can decide that)  

-you can decide how nycole realizes her feelings for steve

-when steve  & robin work at the video store nycole does work with them there 

-you can also decide when & how nycole & steve get together, i would prefer it be a slow burn though & for them not to get together fast 

-nycole & steve have such a cute & wholesome friendship like the kind where they're casually affectionate with each other & basically where people think they're a couple but they're not 

-okay this should be obvious but be sure to give me credit & tag me if you use this plot !!

-pm if you have any questions & if you need help with coming up with ideas lmk <3

-comment the password if you want to use this plot! 

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