safe place, tory nichols

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TITLE: safe place

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TITLE: safe place

OC: beauden 'beau' vance

LOVE INTEREST: tory nichols

FACECLAIM: froy gutierrez 

SHOW/MOVIE: cobra kai 

TIMELINE: season 3 - season 5

STATUS: open

DESCRIPTION: Beauden Vance and Tory Nichols were so different yet they got along so well. They were best friends who grew up together. They were each other safe places. But when they choose different sides in a war of rival karate dojos, the bond they shared would be put to the ultimate test.


Beauden 'Beau' Vance and Tory Nichols were best friends. They were inseparable. It was funny though how different they were from each other. Beauden was literal sunshine in human form, he had the personality of a golden retriever. Tory was, well, she was like a cat. She was a little grumpy and standoffish. And it took her a while to warm up to people. She didn't trust easily, and she had her secrets. Her personality didn't stop Beauden from being friends with her. 

When they first met in preschool, the boy had just smiled and asked if she wanted to play with him. That had annoyed her and she had refused. She hadn't meant to make friends that day. Beauden was relentless though. He was so happy and so sweet, Tory didn't know why he wanted to be friends with her, but he didn't seem like he was going anywhere. So after a week of him chasing her around at school and giving her drawings and notes, she had relented. And the rest was history.

She had to admit she was glad she had Beauden as her best friend. She wouldn't want to go through life without him. And it helped that his family loved her like one of their own. They welcomed her with open arms each time she came over to hang out. They always offered to help her out with paying bills and such after her mom had gotten sick. Since her mom had gotten sick, she had to take care of her and her younger brother on her own. 

Beauden has been a big help with that though. He's always down to help take care of her brother, so she could focus on her schoolwork and her job. It's helped her a lot, and she's thankful for his support. Beauden's just a genuinely good person. He's always there when you need him. She soon realized he was her safe place and he knew she was his. But when they choose different sides in a war of rival karate dojos, the bond they shared would be put to the ultimate test.


-i already have some stuff written for this so if you want it just lmk but of course give me credit for the writing if you use it!

-i also have a cover & a mooboard made if you wanna use it

-i planned on starting the fic at season 3

-yes beau & tory are the grumpy x sunshine trope cause i love that trope so much !!

-if you have any other questions about this fic or if you need help with coming up with ideas pls lmk!

-okay this should be obvious but be sure to give me credit & tag me if you use this plot !!

-pm if you have any questions ! 

-comment the password if you want to use this plot! 

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