Chapter 1- Ain't Too Proud to Beg

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Death. I've heard of it being cruel, being cheated, and becoming the ultimate end. Some are welcome to the idea. You don't have to worry about anything else once it's lights out. You leave behind all of this weight. You slow down finally and there is nothing else. It's your nothingness. You become nothing just as before you were ever thought to be something.

It's the one nothing that has many takes. You become nothing but yet there are all these tropes and sayings. People experience some of their best work before vanishing; others may have not so much luck. I personally never been one to associate any particular way with it. If it happens it's time, and maybe my time's run out.


"Listen Michelle, I'm not sayin' you're incapable but maybe you should just steer clear." Oh how the old man's voice always gave that warning every time I ran into that feisty girl parked outside a roadhouse. Time and time again you'd travel a road so far and reach a similar destination. Usually I'd have to call it in, get details on a case, and go do the job. However, ever since Singer decided I was worth more than this damn apocalypse mess, he's been consistent with the idea of not working with his "boys." Something about pawns and kings, and chess, and everyone dies in the end. I mean I thought that usually happened; these two had apparently nine lives and none were meant for sharing except to save the other.

"Bobby, this wasn't a demon thing! I mean Christ on a bike-" I threw up my hands leaning against my '70 Chevelle. She wasn't the infamous Baby, but she's got a bite. Bobby had helped me fix her up as a thank you for putting up with him and his months of educational course on not being taken off the grid. She had bold white racing stripes to match her sleek black and chrome figure. She pulled in 450 horsepower and had no means of quitting on me if I could help it. He always said even if she wasn't an option, always make sure to note your getaway car at the start of a hunt. So far, she was always the option.

"Michelle, it's not always gonna be black-eyed susans or marks that they're after! Hell, You should see 'em when it's just a ghost, that's like spring freak'n break for those idjits! We'll get another one down the road-" Bobby was preparing to bench me again so these two could just waltz in and save the damn day. I rolled my eyes and with a heavy sigh pushed myself off the door only to open it and get in. I slumped down, pinching the bridge of my nose. "I can hear the spite before you're even saying a damn thing, Michelle. Now quit acting like I ain't tryin' to save your life and start her up and get gone. It's bad enough you're stalling and closing a window to make a clean getaway before Dean notices that big block that aint his."

I slide the keys in the ignition only to glance back up and almost longingly look at the old rusted wood doors. The roadhouse was alive and well as any of them usually are on a Saturday night. The clinks of glasses, tunes from the jukebox, and shouts that were only going to get rowdier had me itching to just hang up and deal with the consequences later.

"What if I just went in and scoped it out? I get a beer, I get a glance, and then I leave, simple." I gave it a shot only to hear the familiar grunt as I knew the old man was pouring himself another. "Bobby- it's vamps," I shrugged as if it were just another evening in rural Indiana, "If it's a nest, they could use my help!" I pressed on as I heard a curse under his breath, "I mean the way you talk about these two, I get they're like the guys for any job, but a third who can handle it just as well wouldn't be so bad, right?" I paused letting him get over his hissy fit.

"You do realize they're gonna pick themselves every time. You go in, guns and machetes out, safety off, and miss?" Bobby was clearly worried due to the fact the star hunters were obviously not the teaming up types, yet, the interest was just really getting a glimpse. I mean, were they brought back for a purpose? Sure dumbasses made some really awful deals; were they clumsy as shit and that's how they got done-in? I mean I've watched Bobby stress more over these two clowns than any other hunter. It makes me wonder, what is the draw in?

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