Chapter 21 - A New Ally

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 When you got to the office outside the trailer park, you didn't expect anything amazing. But whatever you were expecting had to be better than this. A little shack sat occupied by one lazy looking guy with a cigarette.

You pulled up to the shack and cranked down your window.

The lazy looking man raised an eyebrow, "Looking to rent?"

"Yes please. Just for tonight for now. Not sure how long we'll be here. Going day by day, you know?"

"Sure. That's $75 for tonight."

You nodded and pulled out your wallet, carefully counting out the cash you needed. You handed it out your window to him. He grabbed it and counted, before gruffly nodding and handing you a key, "Second room on the left. Don't break anything."

You nodded politely, "Of course sir. Have a nice night."

He grumbled in response as you drove off towards the trailer.

You found the trailer and pulled over, noting the space between each one to be impressively wide. The personal space would be lovely when you were karting along at least 3 murderers. Well, 5, but you had only confirmed 3 of them yourself.

You stopped the car and climbed on out, "Alright, come on guys. Grab your stuff and follow me in."

Each one of them followed you in, carrying clothes and blankets and everything.

You opened the door to the trailer, and, admittedly, you were impressed. It was clean and organized, and... thank [deity]... there were no bugs. No roaches oy anything. It was honestly quite nice.

"Well guys, put your stuff wherever you're gonna sleep. I'm gonna get some shut-eye. And before any of you ask, I'm taking the bed and I'm not sharing it with anyone."

You flung your things down onto the bed, "Now all of you turn around. I'm changing."

Norman spun around and casually put his head against the wall. Bill and Stu rolled their eyes and turned around, giggling slightly. Freddy and Chucky were, as usual, assholes about it, and continued to stare into your back.

"...I can feel you looking at me, YOU PERVS. NOW TURN AROUND BEFORE I WHOOP YOUR ASSES."

"But Dollface, there's so much to look at~." Freddy teased as he turned around away from you.

"...Chucky, you too."

"Dammit..." he muttered, turning as well.

You changed into your pajamas and yawned, "All right you creeps, I'm done. Do as you will."

They all immediately went back to what they were doing and started getting ready for bed. You were honestly a little annoyed when you heard them tossing around their clothes and shit all over the place.

"Hey, Ms. L/N, turn around huh? I need to get changed." Bill mocked, laughing.

You groaned and slammed your head into the pillow. You were so tired. And so upset. And lonely. And you missed Diamond. So much.

You heard the lights click off and you lifted your head from your pillow.

"G-Good night, Y/N." Norman's voice was soft and quiet. There was a pause, and then he squeaked slightly in surprise, "Oh! Y/N, you uhm..."

You felt a doll land next to you on the bed, and a blanket pulled over your back.

"You forgot this, darling." He placed a kiss on your forehead and whispered to you, "Don't worry. He's alright. We'll find him, I promise."

Norman walked away and went to bed. You fell asleep as well not long after.


You awoke just before sunrise. That beautiful hour when purples and pinks and oranges fill the sky, and the stars just barely still sparkle in the sky. When the sun is barely visible over the horizon. It was gorgeous.

You scanned around the trailer, seeing everyone to still be rested. Maybe you should make some breakfast. But you had no ingredients. You could go out and get some, now couldn't you? So, you left a note on the table next to the stove and threw on some day clothes.

You stepped out the door and sighed in the fresh morning air. The dryness was an odd change from California's humidity. But it was nice. You hopped into the car and drove out of the lot where you'd been parked.

As you made your way out of the trailer park, you noticed that the lazy looking man at the kiosk was passed out with a few bottles of cheap looking beer empty on the ground next to his chair. You gave him a glance of concern, perhaps even pity, but right now you were busy with other things. Like getting food.


Norman woke up first, tiredly rubbing his eyes. He'd taken the couch last night, so he'd likely slept the most comfortably other than you. Bill, Stu, and Freddy were all asleep on the floor. Chucky was currently curled up in an open cabinet. But you weren't there.

A wave of concern washed over him, and he was immediately on high alert. He quickly calmed, however, when he saw the note you'd left on the counter,

"Out getting food. Stay here. If I'm not back by 9 am, come looking for me. -Y/N"

Norman glanced at the small clock and sighed. It was only 8 am right now. He wasn't going to wake the others - unless he had too - for another 30 minutes. In the meantime, he decided to take this chance to do some light reading.


The small grocery store in the middle of town was next to empty. Only a few people wandered around the place, and the stock was painfully low. You picked out some eggs, a box of strawberries, blueberries, and so on. Simple breakfast foods that would satisfy the six of you. You wished you were buying for seven.

However, a voice from behind you caught you off guard.

"Hey, you're that tourist girl. The one staying in that trailer next to mine."

You turned around, raising an eyebrow. It was the conspiracy theorist.

"And you're Harlan, yes? The conspiracy theorist?"

"Hell yes I am."

You nodded, and went back to picking out fruit.

"Why are you staying here of all places if you're a tourist? Why aren't you out in Phoenix or something?" Harlan questioned, suspicion dripping from his voice.

"Simple. Some aliens kidnapped my friend. And I'm not leaving until I get him back."

Harlan stared at you stunned, "Excuse me?"

(A/N - sorry this chapter is really short. Next one'll be longer)

[Words: 1062]

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