Chapter 4

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Danielle's P.O.V.

Malak and Gianna both wanna know who Dj is.
"Well he's a boy" I say.
"No" Gianna says "I didn't know that"
"He he um. He is like he me and hi-" I studded.
"He's her ex boyfriend" Shanti says getting impatient with me.
"Oh ok" Gianna says. She walked away.
"Does Jaden know about him?" Malak asked.
"Uh no...I thought he was dead for like months , and why does it even matter he's an EX boyfriend?"
" Gianna knows about my Ex girlfriend"
"Haha" Shanti laughed "Cutie over here has only had two girls his whole life"
"Shanti!" I yelled "Now isn't the time"
"Aye im just tryin to have fun."
I rolled my eyes and continue to talk to Malak "Malak me and you, are 2 different people, ok? We don't do the same thing"
"Okay whatever" Malak says walking away.
"Why so much Drama?" Zion asked "You guys gotta keep the negative energy out!"
"It's just one little misunderstanding its ok" I smile "I hope" I mumble to myself.

Gianna's P.O.V.

I walked upstairs after Danielle told me who Dj was. Why has she never told me who he was? We are supposed to be best friends. I layed on my bed and looked at the ceiling. I hear my door open and Malak walked in. I sat up in my bed to look at him. He looks mad.
"I heard what happened down there. " I pause "You okay?"
"Yeah... I fine"
"Have you really only had 1 girlfriend before me?" I asked him smiling.
He blushed lightly and then starts speaking "Uh yeah only one"
"Who was she?"
"A girl"
"What is her name?"
"I've told you this before" Malak laughed "Why do you wanna know again?"
"Cause she had a pretty name"
"Her name was Twylite"
"Such a pretty name" I smiled.
"You are so cute when you smile" Malak says. He kissed my nose and hugs me.

Jaden's P.O.V.

I have been home for a few days and all I have been doing was resting. I walked down the stairs and went in the living room where my mom was. "Mom?" I called.
"Yeah Jai?" She asked.
"May I go to see my girlfriend now?" I asked her.
"No ask me later"
I wait a few minutes.
"Can I go now?" I asked her again.
"Does this seem like later to you?"
"Yeah. It does" I chuckled "I asked you 3 minutes ago and you said later... and now is later"
"BUT ITS NOW OR NEVER!!!!" I yelled.
"Fine!" My mom says "Just shut up"
Me and my mom walked to the car and drive to Danielle's house. We made it there and I got out the car. I was going to run to the door but I remembered my wounds. So, I speed walked to the door. Then I knocked on it.

Zion's P.O.V.

I heard the door bell ring and I went to go get it. I opened the door and saw a guy standing there. He looks kinda familiar. Where do I know him from? Oh. My. Gosh. No. Way. Its.
"Oh my goodness no way!" I say smiling like crazy.
"Oh my gosh what?" He laughed.
"Your Jaden from Instagram!"
"Yeah and you are?"
"Im Zion I follow you on Instagram!" I smiled "And your like really famous. You have like 18k followers."
"Well I wouldn't call it famous. But thanks" Jaden laughed "Can i come in?"
"Yeah sure of course!"
I let Jaden in and he walked twords the living room. "Is there a Danielle here?" he asked smirking.

Danielle's P.O.V.

"Is there a Danielle here?" I hear someone say. Dang they sound dead on like Jaden.

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