Prologue: The Awakening

405 12 23

20XX, December 2nd

Top Secret Laboratory

Location: Cold Bay, Alaska


"Are we ready to awaken them?" A scientist said.

"Not yet sir! We are having troubles with the wisdom cubes, they are clashing. The Siren genes are refusing to accept our technology as the host." A second scientist said.

"That doesn't make any sense, we have already ran multiple practice runs, the formula was perfect. Did I miss something?" The first scientist said again.

As the scientists continued to punch in more code into their tablets as two wisdom cubes, blue and red in coloration floated in two containment tubes, both of them glowing with life. These wisdom cubes were discovered in a Siren stronghold in a joint operation with the Royal Navy, although not known by their allies, the Eagle Union managed to bring to two cubes back to the Untied States in secret. After some testing the cubes were found to belong to Orochi class dreadnoughts, but thanks to the Eagle Unions advancements in technology they were able to reverse engineer them to behave like normal wisdom cubes.

"It just doesn't add up! The results just keep coming back the same. With these imbalances I'm not sure it's safe to awaken them." The first scientist said.

"Have you tried to reverse the pol-" The second scientist was trying to say before he was interrupted.

"Gentlemen, I've got a report from the General, he doesn't care if the tests aren't finished, he wants the two girls awoken immediately and ready for deployment." A third scientist said with a tone that suggested he had some seniority.

"And I will take that as a suggestion Lieutenant, you heard my orders. I want these two girls awoken immediately. These two are a breakthrough in Eagle Union technology that could turn the tide against the Sirens. We have been running these tests for months without fail. The higher ups are now impatient and have forced my hand. Enough is enough, awaken the girls." The General said with a stern tone.

"But sir they could ex-" The first scientist was saying.

"I gave you an order Lieutenant." The General said glaring daggers into the scientist.

"Lieutenant, commence the awakening process. Give the girls their bodies." The senior scientist said.

"Y-yes sir! Commencing the awakening process now!" The first scientist said with a stutter.

The first scientist then headed over to the main console, he then began inputting words and access codes into the machine as it awakens. Inside the tubes, the water starts to bubble as the wisdom cubes slowly begin to glow. Things were going smoothly until the machine began to show a red light and steam began to violently exit the machine. Warnings then began to pop up everywhere on the screens and tablets, systems then began going into overload as the tubes began to form cracks in the glass. All the while the wisdom cubes started to pulse violently.

"Lieutenant! What is happening?" The senior scientist said hoping his junior would know.

"I-I don't know sir! The cubes are reacting completely different now. The machine is doing everything in its power to keep them stable!" The junior said in a worried tone.

"Sir, the system is going critical, an explosion is possible! I recommend stopping before it's too late!" The second scientist said.

"Warning! Warning! System overload is imminent! Explosion is possible!"

"Shut the system down!" The senior said in an authoritative tone.

"I can't! I can't stop it, I've put in the emergency sequence and it gave an error! There's nothing I can do!" The junior scientist said while looking at his partners.

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