Chapter 7

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After the return of Obito, Minato decided that he will keep the Uchiha existence a secret. No one would know that Obito is the reason of the attack and the death hundreds of the people in the village.

Since the existence of the two needed to keep hidden, the two decided to leave the village for three years to check on something and also do a training trip. Minato want to protest of course, since he worried of the two where being but he knows that the two can't sit around, staying at home and do nothing. They also need to keep themselves into shape since their body were de-aged or not actually theirs.

So he let them go, in condition that they keep in touch.


Three years had passed, the condition of the village is getting back to it's glory but the citizen still in the state of grief and despair because the lost of their loving one. But they were delighted to know that their beloved Yondaime had new addiction family. Minato announce the birth of his son a week after the Kyuubi accident but still keep a secret about Hikari as she wanted after she and Obito came back after three years of their training trip.

She didn't want to get so many unwanted attention mostly Danzo, but at least she was introduced into the Shinobi council when Minato hold a meeting only for Clan Head and their presented wife. There was filled with shock and bewildered and looking at Hikari like she such a rare thing making the said girl look uncomfortable.

Minato explain to them why they keep Hikari existence a secret and they understood why, the war and Kumo bloodline thief. They understand for that reason only. But one of them didn't get fooled easily; namely Nara Shikaku.

Nara Shikaku had been friend with Namikaze Minato since academy, Minato would always come to him when there was problem, asking for his opinion. But this...this is strange, Minato didn't even tell him about his firstborn moreover having a 8 years old daughter. It's not like he doubt that Hikari is the Minato and Kushina's child, since he already saw the resemblance in the girl between those two. While Hikari had Kushina appearance, he can see the girl got Minato eyes and his intelligent with her attitude was mixed of both.

But he can't help felt something is going on between his Hokage and the girl, like there was a secret that can't be known by anyone.

Well, if his Hokage want to keep it secret then, he don't have a place to pry. "Troublesome!" said the lazy Nara.


Minato in his office signing paperwork after paperwork, when there was a knock on his door office. "Come in" said him giving a permission, the door open revealing a familiar red head. "Dad?" Minato look up from his paperwork and were shocked to see his daughter walking in, "Hikari? What the reason you coming here?" asked Minato curious.

Hikari look around the office, tried to detect if there was any Root ANBU with them spying her father. When she don't find any, she relaxed and give a smiled at her father "I'll brought a lunch for you! Since you hardly came home for lunch, I though I'll brought it too you!"

Minato beamed when Hikari shows the bento box to him, he can't help though, he was actually hungry and his daughter cooking is very good. Perks of raised on her own, probably. He frown when he thought of that, the guilt and anger consumed him when he thought of the memories he seen about the pain that his daughter has been going through. The suffering that she had to go through since childhood, what he seen from the memories the Kyuubi shows them, make him sick of the villagers.

White-hot rage.

That was all Minato could feel upon seeing the world's Hikari's came from treat her like a trash. He saw that his daughter got thrown out from orphanage by the age of 4 and live on the street, terrified and horror consumed his expression that time when he look at the familiar street his daughter has strayed.

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