I'll always love you

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When we get there I see Haley in a cage. "Haley!!" I yell. "Brayden!" She yells back "Now before I can free Haley, Braydon has to do something for me." Elsa says. "What is it? I'll do anything." I say. "I'm going to need you to sacrifice youself." She says. "NO DONT DO IT BRAYDON." Haley says. "I have to. I got to save you." Haley's sobbing. "Just so I know your not lying that whenever I go Haley will be set free, can you please call Ms.Love and ask her if she can come and get Haley." I ask. "Just because I'm in a good mood , yes I will." Elsa says. "Thank you." I say. She calls Ms.Love and then five minutes later she arrives. "Please take care of her." I ask Ms.Love. "Can I have my last wish please?" I ask Elsa. "I guess." Elsa says. "My last wish is to say goodbye to Haley." I ask. "Okay." Elsa says. I run to Haley and hug her.(they let her out of the cage for me.) "I love you." I say. " I'll always love you." She says. I kiss her for the last time and they take me away. I can hear her sobbing. They take me to a room and Elsa stabs me in the chest with a knife. The knife is cold. At least I died doing the right thing.

I Wake up in a hospital room. What the heck? I see my mom and dad. A doctor comes up to me and says "You and that girl over there have been in a coma for 6 months." The girl he points to is Haley

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