The Truth

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"You and that girl over there got severely burned, it was so bad that you went into a coma." The doctor said. I am so confused. "What?" I ask in disbelief. "Whenever you went into that girls house it caught on fire. Luckily that girls grandma grabbed y'all and got out of there. Unfortunately her grandma didn't make it." The doctor says. So that means the day we went to Haley's house and the fireball came is when the fire happened. "So when can we get out of here?" I ask. "Well it seems that y'all have healed up pretty good so about a week so we can get the paperwork filled out." The doctor replies. "Okay cool." I say.

So do you like it so far? I think its almost finished. If you think I should keep writing then comment. Also I'm think about changing the cover. Have any ideas? DM me. ily guys .. comment.. bye

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