The Talk

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Italics = Character's thoughts

Bold = Timeskip/Transition

(Y/n) = Your name (My canon name for the reader is Izumi, if you don't want to use your own name)

Author's note: After what 3 or 4 years? I finally updated this story! Reason why? I forgot I had progress on this chapter, and I've been interesting in writing at the moment. Sorry for those that have wait for so long (I would be surprised honestly if you came back to this story), but a lot of things happen because that's just life, so finding the time to write was hard, also I just lost my spark in writing after all these years. I wrote around 3000 to 4000 words in the previous chapters and that was mentally draining for me especially with how I want to have a lot of details being told, so I guess my solution that I'm trying out now is to write a little less but keep the style that I've been doing. I'll continue my notes at the end of the chapter.

Anyways this chapter like I said is a bit shorter but I still hope you enjoy it!

Disclaimer (Just in case): I do not own the anime/manga to The Quintessential Quintuplets/Go Toubun no Hanayome. This story/narrative is just for entertainment.


In Asahiyama High School: Class 2-3

As usual, (Y/n) arrived early to school as he sat in his classroom with his earphones on as he had his eyes shut and listened to his music, hoping that class would start soon.

"After what happened on the's probably best I avoid her for a while." He sighs and opens his eyes and looks around the room. "Still the only one here. Hopefully she shows up late so that it's not awkward before class starts."

As if his luck turned against him, the classroom's door slid open as Miku entered.

"Curse my luck!" (Y/n) mentally yelled.

Miku was walking to her desk and before she took her seat, she glanced at (Y/n) and when their eyes met each other they both quickly looked away from each other with a tint of red on their faces.

"This is embarrassing, I can't look him/her in the eyes!" They simultaneously thought.

Miku then took her seat and the two tried to avoid each other.

As time passed the two couldn't help but take a quick glance at the other before turning away right after. After a while Miku closed her eyes and took a deep breath to gather up the courage to talk to (Y/n).

"Ishigami..." Just when she was about to continue, their teacher entered the classroom and started class. "Talk about bad timing..." Miku whined as she then went to grab her class materials from her bag.

(Y/n) on the other hand felt relieved that class started seeing that Miku was about to talk to him. He put away his earphones and took out his notebook and textbook then focused his attention towards the lesson.

After School

Throughout the school day, (Y/n) managed to avoid Miku so that they wouldn't have an awkward talk about what occurred on Saturday. He was nearly approached by her when it was lunch, but he made a mad dash out of the classroom when the bell rang. (Y/n) was going to do the same thing by quickly leaving the school and getting to work. As soon as he got outside of the school building he felt a tug on his sleeve. He felt a bit petrified as his heart started pounding fast knowing that the person could possibly be Miku.

He took a deep breath then released it. He then turned around to confront the person and luckily it wasn't Miku, rather it was Itsuki.

"Ishigami are you okay? You look a little pale."

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 16, 2023 ⏰

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