The Next Day

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Italics = Character's thoughts

Bold = Timeskip/Transition

(Y/n) = Your name (My canon name for the reader is Izumi, if you don't want to use your own name)

(A/n) = Author's note

Disclaimer: I do not own the anime/manga to The Quintessential Quintuplets/Go Toubun no Hanayome. This story is just for entertainment.


In Asahiyama High School: Class 2-3

(Y/n) arrived early to school as he was sitting in his classroom with his earphones on as he had his eyes shut and listen to his music while he waits for class to start.

About 10 minutes has passed, and (Y/n) still had his eyes closed and listening to music. Just then a few of his classmates entered the classroom one of them being Miku, but (Y/n) was clueless due to how loud he has his music playing. Miku saw (Y/n) sitting at his seat and went up to greet him.

"Good morning, Ishigami." Miku greeted but no reaction from the boy. "Ishigami?" Miku called his name once again. She then noticed that he probably couldn't hear her through his loud music. She couldn't help but listen in on the faint music that was coming off from his earphones.

"I chime in with a 'Haven't you people ever heard of closing a goddamn door?!' No, it's much better to face these kinds of things. With a sense of poise and rationality."

"Is that English music?" Miku's thoughts ended when she saw (Y/n) shifting slightly.

(Y/n) took off his earphones and noticed someone next to him. "Hm? Oh, good morning Nakano-san. Were you there the whole time?"

"No, I just got here. I saw you and wanted to greet you, but you had your earphones on."

"Sorry about that."

"It's okay, anyways I noticed that you were listening to English music?" Miku questioned.

"Was my music that loud? I didn't think people noticed." (Y/n) said as he scratched the back of his head.

"It was faint, so I barely heard it."

"Well, you're correct about it being English music."

"Do you completely understand English?" She asked.

"Somewhat, my mom was born in America and so was I, while my dad was from here."

"You're from America?"

"Yeah, my mom and dad met in America when my dad was a foreign exchange student at the time. After I was born we moved to Japan when I was 6 years old due to my mom wanting to start a business here."

"And you understand that much English in that short amount of time there?"

"Well, my mom still continued to teach my English after we moved here just in case we go back to visit family or if things didn't work out here."

"I see. That's very interesting." Miku smiled before asking him another thing.

Before they could continue their talk, their teacher walked into the room and was about to start class. Miku went to her seat and took a slight glance at (Y/n) who was taking out his notes.

"I feel like I'm starting to know him more." Miku thought as she turned her attention back to the teacher.

Lunch Break: In Asahiyama High School's Cafeteria

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