Gift Of the North

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Stars twinkled their brightness throughout the journey of their little sisters. Rianna felt a cold breeze touching them. At first she thought of it as a gift from the wind lords , but later as the breeze turned into a strong wind , she became sure that this was a doing of the hooded man. She held Angeleah close to her and asked the Pegasus to move fast and safe. The Pegasus seemed to understand her , that he flew very fast through the cold winds stabbing them like sharp knives.She thought what James would be facing right now.But the thought turned into a sadness ,so she left the thought and concentrated on getting the child to safety. Storms came by and they could only see strong storms raging upon them.

Sunshine was burning her eyes.She felt dizzy."Where the hell.." , then she remembered all the incidents that had happened the previous day.She suddenly looked for Angeleah and found her in a basket , lying on super soft clothes with a letter and lovely shining flowers all around her.A locket which she remembered to be the queen's was lying at the side , shining in the bright sunlight. "Safe .. "she breathed. She took the letter and read out loud

"Dear Rianna ,

Caretaker of Angeleah Grace

We are the loyal workers of Thomas II , Lord of the Northern skies.We were the ones that saved you last night from the outraging storm.We have decided to bless upon Angeleah Grace, as she is one of the subjects to the Prophecy of the Great Lord.We shall provide everything for you and her on the lands. But be alert as one day will come when she must know who she is.Till then we have arranged home and a job for you.You will know as you see.Seventeen years shall you look upon her.The rest her fate shall decide.

Hail The Sky Lords"

She was startled by a neighing of a horse standing beside them. She then remembered about Norris and looked for him around , then she had a weird thought .She went near the horse and saw that he was wearing a nameplate 'Norris' . "Oh Norris , its you !You've got us safe. Now we've got to find our home."She put the roll back into the basket and with smile took the basket from the ground.

She went forward with Angeleah and Norris not knowing what was in store for them.But now as they had a home , a job and safety , she felt sure that they would succeed.

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