Chapter 23: Clara

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My whole body felt like it was on fire. I pressed myself to his hard frame. I could feel his cool skin, the goose bumps rising on the hard panels of his chest as I ran my fingers down his arm.

I could feel his warm breath against my throat, his big hands gripping my hips, rough stubble rubbing against my chest. My heart thundered in response to his ministrations.

"Jasper," I breathed, as his kisses moved up my throat, capturing my lips.

"Don't moan a man's name like that if you want him sane, woman," Jasper growled, lifting his head to look at me.

I couldn't deny the way my heart skipped a beat at his words, the flush in my cheeks.

Biting down on my bottom lip, I allowed my fingers to trace down the sharp lines of his face, lightly stroking his stubble, down his lips, over his chin. His gaze remained fixed on mine as my fingers trailed further down, exploring the muscles on his jaw, his Adam apple bobbed almost nervously.

My fingers slid further down, to the hard planes of his broad chest. Muscles wrapped around every inch of him, tensing under my touch, goose bumps rose across his skin. He stayed very still, watching me, his hand gripping my hip, fingers digging into my skin.

When he let out a low hum of appreciation, his whole body seemed to vibrate. I could feel it swarm through my body; I could feel myself warming, my breath coming shorter. My desire was growing, pooling at my core.

My fingers continued downwards, brushing through the dark hair pointed even further down. His taut skin was still slightly damp, but I could feel that warm muscles below, tensing against me.

I had seen my fair share of naked men, most of them more than happy to strip all their clothes off in odd locations, however I'd rarely seen anyone as beautifully created as Jasper. I just wanted to be completely surrounded by him, wrapped in his arms, entirely engulfed.

I pressed my lips against his chest. His skin was cool and damp, slightly salty.

"Clara," his voice was raspy, a warning.

I glanced back at his face, a small smile playing on my lips. I couldn't help but enjoy the way his stormy eyes were watching me, his expression almost pained. I couldn't help but be in awe that I could bring such a big man to his knees. Though I knew, he could do the same to me.

I dipped my fingers lower, barely touching his skin, but he let out a throaty groan. I peered downwards, staring at the appendage my fingers had just wrapped around. It was warm, soft like velvet and hard. Jutting out, thick and angry. My fingers tightened around his shaft, pressing against the swollen tip.

Had George been that long and thick? Definitely not, I realised as I slid my palms up and down Jasper's smooth appendage.

That was when he snapped. He rolled up over suddenly, tucking me under his big body, his hands grabbing my wrists and pulling them together up over my head. He stretched me out in fornt of him. His knee slid up, easily parting my thighs, so he could fit in-between them. I yelped in surprise at the sudden change in pace, the rush of air against my skin.

But Jasper was already claiming my lips with a passionate kiss. I found myself fighting for dominance, but he held me down, his powerful lips taking charge. I wriggled under his heavy body, basking in the feel of his cool skin pressing against my hot skin. The feel of his hard body against mine, cocooning me in his space.

He pulled back, just barely, tearing his lips from mine and trailing them down my throat. I felt his grip on my wrists tighten as I wriggled against him, trying to gain some sort of fiction between my legs. The part of me that was screaming for his attention, for his fine ministrations.

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