Chapter 14: Jasper

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She grinned at me.

It most definitely was Clara, bringing men to their knees in the middle of the desert, with a wild look in her eye.

Long locks of shimmering brown hair were pinned back and hung down her back, she wore a white blouse, loosely fit, cut low on her chest, a belt wound around her small waist, and a long blue skirt, my pistol hung from her bandolier fastened around her hips.

My eyes travelled her form, taking in the soft curves and arches of her body, the swell of her breasts straining against the white cotton; the locket nestled against her fair skin. Her shoulder was covered with a fresh new bandage.

She was spectacular. I wondered how I could have let her slip past me in the saloon so easily. I hadn't been paying attention at all, and she had taken advantage of that.

My whole body was immediately alight with a desire to touch her again.

I gathered her into my arms, buried my face into the crook of her neck, tasting more of her soft skin. My arm locked around her waist, my other hand pushing her soft hair back so I could see the shape of her breasts through the thin blouse. They did not disappoint. I let out a groan. She had kept them hidden for so long. I wanted to squeeze them again.

She was squirming in my arms, only making me even more excited.

"Keep moving like that and I'll have my way with you right here, right now," I warned her.

She stilled and peered up at me.

I chuckled, pushing her hair over her shoulder so I could examine her new bandage in the moonlight.

"The doctor did a good job," I murmured.

She hummed in agreement.

"He did. I can almost use my arm normally now," she admitted with a smile.

I stroked her soft skin. "I'm glad."

"He said it was mostly thanks to you," she breathed. Then she rolled her eyes, trying to squirm out of my arms, but there was no way I was going to let her go.

"Stay One-Shot Kid," I breathed. "I've seen your Wanted posters," I informed her. "They all claim you're a teenage boy."

"How odd," she smirked.

"They don't do you justice."

"I should say so!" she sniffed.

I grinned. I slid my hand up her arm, lifting her chin with my fingers until I could kiss her again. His lips were soft and warm; they popped open willingly for me to dive back in.

She let out a little moan that had me tightening my grip around her supple body.

I brushed my lips against her cheek, down her throat.

"Jasper," she warned, but she didn't move, if anything she melted deeper into my embrace.

I hummed in appreciation.



"There are two men out there who had been fixing to rob me. I don't want to just let them go ahead with it while you're feeling me up."

I groaned. "What were you going to do with them?"

"Tie them to a tree and walk away," she admitted.

"We'll take them with us, head back to town and turn them in," I told her. "They'll have to stand for their crimes. I can check if they have any wanted posters."

She scowled at me. "I'm not your prisoner Marshal, I'm not going back to town with you to get myself locked up."

"I was talking about them."

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