its midnight what the fuck

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You were there just unconscious on the sofa. Brunhilde had basically kicked the door down. To see the healer, unconscious and blackout drunk. Brunhilde gave a sigh of disappointment and muttered, "Oh my god. Why can't you actually just stop drinking alcohol?"
Somehow you were conscious from the comment.
"Because I can't darling. Now can you like carry me to my bed?"
Brunhilde picked you up bridal style and plopped you on the bed. She tucked you in and left. Not before hiding all the vodka bottles. I mean getting drunk was a fun thing. You never know when your life will end. Might as well do the things you enjoy instead of just waiting for it.
"God that girls irresponsible but god i do appreciate her. She may be irresponsible but who am I to talk." Brunhilde said to herself while she was outside your apartment door and walking down the stairs. You woke up at 3 am by your alarm. You of course had the night shift. You had to give them their checkups before ragnarok.
You shoved on a decent outfit. No way were you going outta the house if you didn't look good as hell.

(this is the outfit you are wearing <3)You ran out the door

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(this is the outfit you are wearing <3)
You ran out the door. You had to examine the GFOC, the godfather of the cosmos and the father of humanity?? Well this was going to be a wild one. You forgot your bag with your bottles of vodka and cans of monster and your clipboard inside! You rushed back in grabbing the bag and slinging it over your shoulder. You shoved the bag into the passenger seat and off you went.

(this is what the car, the inside of the car looks like and the bag!)
(the car!)

(this is what the car, the inside of the car looks like and the bag!)(the car!)

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(the interior of the car!)

(the interior of the car!)

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(and the bag!)

(and the bag!)

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