Chapter 1

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"So... You two come back because you both want to listen to the story that I meantion weeks ago huh...?" The storyteller says, They looked at the two young fellas Infront of the

"Well... It was my brother that wanted to listen to it..." The teen says, as he looked annoyed for even being there.

The child looked at the storyteller with existmeant on his face "Yeah! So uh... Can we listen to it sir...?" He asked, Looking at the storyteller with his green eyes. The storyteller smiles... Before slowly looked concern...

"How old is he-?" The storyteller asked the teen, still looking a bit concern. "Oh, He just turn 13 weeks ago.." The teen says to them

"Uh... *Sigh* I think he is old enough I guess..." The storyteller says. The teen looks at them confused and the child looks at them with existmeant. "Yayay!" The child shouted with joy.

"Now... Let's start the story shall we...?" the storyteller says to the both of them "Yah!" The child shouted with existmeant as he sits on the floor with his legs criss cross and the teen sits beside him
"Hm... Now..."

“One thousand years ago, there was a place. Called L'manbrug. It was a peaceful and beautiful kingdom”

“It was ruled by a royal family... The Laviza.. There was once a king and queen with 4 beautiful Children... But one day... The queen had become ill due to a sinkness that lead her to her death, And well... The king was devastated by her death and so on. The kingdom has changed and so as the family...”

“Now.. let me introduce to you the crown prince, George Laviza. He was a beautiful prince and was sure by that. He has dark brown hair and has brown darkish eyes, he had long short hair that was tie down perfectly and wear a blue button up shirt with white broad shoulders and long black pant with brown boots.

He was always training not reading books but overall he was told to do that, by his father; Philza Laviza and he listened most of the time. And his personality..? Well, let's just say that his kind to one and other, even if it was servants or even the poor when ever he could, he doesn't really smiles that often, always has an blank expression.”

“But then one day.. it might change with all of that....”

“Prince George?” Someone said out of my bedroom door, I stood up and walking to the door opening it to see a maid. “Your father calls for you in throne room." They said before walking away.

“Ugh... What is that old man wants from me now.” I mumbled before walking to the throne room and as I open the door I could see my father... And two more people..? He looked at me and smiled. “Ah, there's my son. Captain Puffy, I like you to meet my crown son, George Laviza.” He says to the captain as they looked at me with a warm smile. “Oh- uh- Ahem. Its a pleasure to meet you Captain Puffy and...” *I trialed off and looked at the person next to them.

“Oh, I forgot to introduce my son. I don't really bring my children that much but- Dream wanted to follow along.” their laughed and I looked at Dream as he looked back at me with a big smile on his face. “Hello there George." He says before held up his hand, I looked at his hand before looking back at him with confusion.

“They don't hand shake that much dear.” She says to him, he looks at me with a embarrassed face before moving his hand back. “Sorry about that George.” He apologize and scratches his neck.

“It's fine, Dream.” I said to him, and gaze at my father. “Well... Me and Dream's mother are going to have some talking to do, so.. how about you and Dream have a talk eh?” my father said, I looked at him with shock upon my face. “Oh that's sounds wonderful! Maybe he and my son will become good friends like me and you.” She smiles as my father laughed before walking away with Captain Puffy.

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