Log 2025-289, Knut Schmidt

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In the light of my flashlight, the first stalagmites and stalactites appeared. Like long daggers, the yellowish rock teeth grew from the ceiling and out of the floor. One or the other had broken off without any debris lying around. Strange. The erratic dripping of moisture that beaded from them filled the dark cave with its echoes. In its tangle, I could see no more than ten paces. With caution, I crept through the stone labyrinth. The splashing sounds of my boots could not be avoided. As a precaution, I drew my revolver; this level was rightly classified as "Class 5 — unsafe".

That was the reason why I had never visited dark mines or stalactite caves with the family in the Frontrooms — the reality. The danger was too great that Marc, who shared my genetic defect, would accidentally end up in an unexplored corner or with a careless move there in the Backrooms. To this day, he hated me for always being overly cautious. In turn, he had survived so far. Eventually, he would understand.

In front of me, between the forest of rocky crags, a still, almost circular lake appeared, shimmering bluish from within. If the records of the Major Explorer Group, M.E.G. for short, were correct, I was on the right track. As vast as this level was, it at least did not change constantly, as various others did.

Slowly I walked along the shore until I reached a stalagmite in which someone had carved a rough arrow with a clear "K" and like a skull underneath. From here on, great caution was advised as I approached the abandoned cave town of Kavragost. A dangerous mission without an escort, but I needed no witnesses. A sinister path of chipped out rock teeth led in serpentine lines deeper into Level 8.

Muffled footsteps sounded behind me. I turned quickly and raised the gun. In the light of the lamp, the corridor lay deserted before me. Ten breaths later I crept on with caution. Again I heard uneven pattering and jerked the flashlight around. Nothing but emptiness. Curses. My pursuer could easily dive sideways between the stone jags.

What to do? Move on or lie in wait? So far he had not attacked me. That spoke for certain intelligence of the opponent. Not a dumb Backrooms monster.

"Hey. Come on out, I heard you," I whispered in English, so I wouldn't attract the attention of every creature in the vicinity.

Silence. No one showed themselves. It had been worth a try.

How far away was he? Ten steps at the most, otherwise I wouldn't have heard anything. Hmm ... What you can do, I can do, too. With that, I extinguished the lamp and took a step to the side behind a man-sized rock. Let's see who had more patience.

In my mind, I counted slowly as not to lose my sense of time in the absolute blackness. As I approached 500, a minimal glow of light appeared on the path. Barely perceptible breathing sounds and crunching footsteps followed. A human silhouette with a covered flashlight crept past my hiding place. Holding my breath, I waited a few seconds until it was ten feet ahead.

Taking careful aim, I turned on the light, "Stop! Don't move!"

A figure jerked around in the sharp cone of light. A man, maximum 6 feet tall with shaggy red beard. His equipment consisted of an almost floor-length coat, backpack and sturdy boots. A weapon could not be made out. He held his arm blinded in front of his face, so that I did not recognize any details.

"Don't shoot. I work for Async," he replied in a hoarse voice, blinking over his arm.

"You'll have to do better than that for me. Who are you and why are you sneaking after me?"

"Agent Rian O'keeffe. I'm your back-up."

"Huh? Back-up?"

"If it gets you, they want me to finish the mission or bring back whatever you found."

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