Part 2

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"Found one you like?"

I turn abruptly, being startled.

"Oh dear, I'm sorry about that."

A women, looks to be in her late 30s. She wears an uncolored kafta. She has beautiful short black hair, tied up into a low ponytail. Her bright blue eyes stand out against her dark skin and hair.

"Um..who're you?"

"I'm the librarian here, my names Kira. And you?" 

"I'm—I'm Iris."

"Very nice to meet you. You're the new Durast, right?"

"Yeah. I guess."

I turn to look through the books again. I reach for the one I want.

"That's a good one."

I look back at the book and read the title over. Little Theory.

Kira leads me with her to a counter and marks the book title on a piece of paper. 

"You're all set. Feel free to come back whenever you want."

We bare our goodbyes and I'm out the door. I wander for a while more before coming across a tall man with a black kefta. I keep my head down, not wanting any attention from him. I keep walking, trying to ignore him. Before I can go any further, his voice calls out.

"Excuse me, miss. Who are you?"

I look up and turn around to face him. His dark eyes pierce through mine. A shiver runs down my spine.

"My name is Iris Luther—sir."

"Oh, the new durast? Have you started training?"

I nod. He looks me over, causing yet another chill to go through me.

"You look quite young. How old are you?"

"16, sir."

He doesn't say anything. I look up to see him thinking intently.


He snaps out of his trance.

"Yes. Sorry. I apologize for the guards. I heard about what happened earlier. It will not happen again."

Without another word, he walks away. I start walking in the direction I was before. 

Where do I go? I have no clue where I am right now.

I walk by a room filled with talking and laughing. I peek inside to see a room with three long tables, along with a huge throne connecting them. I walk inside to be completely ignored.I look around at the people in their kaftas. Sorted based on their abilities.

I turn to walk out, but before I can, a hand grabs my arm. I unconsciously pull away and send forks, knifes and plates shooting at the person responsible. I turn to meet the eyes of a tall man with dark skin, hair and eyes. 

He stops all of it with his own power and all of the silverware and plates are crashing on the floor. I flinch multiple times from the loud noise. He stares me in the eyes before dragging me out of the room with him. I struggle against him.

"Stop fighting. I'm trying to help you."

The man turns to me once we have stopped walking.

"You want out of this hell hole, don't you?"

I stare at him, unconvinced. He looks at me, expecting me to speak, to ask questions. He starts talking again once I don't.

"I'm taking that as a yes." 

He leds me down a few different hallways before we walk to a sectioned off area. There are two very large door. Between the design of the vines, I can see the darklings symbol. I don't know who the darklings is exactly, but I do know his symbol.

I let myself be dragged in by this stranger. He pulls me over to a wall and presses against it. He leds me through long twisted tunnels. We exit into the open air.

He les me to two horses, one black and the other brown. He hops onto the brown one and I get onto the black one. He leds the way, galloping on the horse. I follow.

He's gonna get me out of here. Once he does, I'll split away from him.

We ride for a few minutes before we get outside of palace grounds. Once we do, i gallop in the opposite direction he does. I hear a groan and he's on my tail. He's beside me. He lifts me up by the back of my shirt and puts me in front of himself.

"Sorry kid. I was told to get you all the way back to Ketterdam."

I struggle against him once again before I feel a sharp pain to the back of my head, and everything goes dark.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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