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"Wow, Harry. Your hair is super soft!" said the school priss, Melissa, as she stroked Harry's untamed curls. Louis sat at the lunch table next to the girls' and Harry and growled, sticking his fork inside of his string beans. Sixth grade was already utter hell and it had only been the third week.

"Thank you, Mel." said Harry slowly, glancing Louis' way-ultimately failing because another one of the girls jumped into his peripheral vision and smiled widely, poking the dimple on his cheek.

"And your dimples are so cute." the girl, whose name is Jessie, added. By then, Louis was growing agitated with the amount of attention Harry was grabbing. Harry was suppose to be obsessing over him and not be surrounded by several girls from their homeroom. He was beginning to feel alone, hell, even abandoned.

"Thanks. Hey, can Louis join us?" Louis heard Harry ask, making his ears perk up with interest. He felt his insides bubble with happiness at Harry's suggestion, and he started to smile at his vegetables.

"Tomlinson? The freak who's afraid of peanut butter?" he heard another girl whisper. He was back to stabbing his lunch.

Louis didn't notice Harry's frown. "He is not a freak-"

"Watch this." Melissa whispered, but Louis could hear them all loud and clear. He stared at the floor until Melissa's pink clad sandals came into view, causing him to look up with annoyance. She had an overly excited smile on her face and her hands were behind her back, a sign that something bad was to come. "Hey, Lewis."

"It's Louis, you blithering idiot." he stated with a sarcastic smile pasted into his face.

Melissa glared and jutted out her hip. "You can come sit with us since Harry wants you there so badly."

He felt the butterflies return to his stomach. "Really?"

"But first-"

Suddenly, Louis was pinned to the floor by Melissa with a spoon full of peanut butter hovering dangerously over his mouth. He tried to pull her off, but soon her friends were coming over to pin down both of his hands so that she could hold the spoon correctly. People were beginning to form a crowd around Louis and the girls, letting out loud cheers and hoots of encouragement.

Louis felt like he was going to be sick. "Get the fuck off of me, you twat!"

"Eat the peanut butter, Louis! C'mon! Eat it." Melissa demanded, trying to shove the spoon into Louis' tightly shut mouth. Tears welled up into Louis' eyes as he continued to kick and wiggle, wondering how many sixth graders were fucking body builders here. He knew he was one of the smallest kids in the grade, but now he was going to be known as the weakest too.

He let out a weak sob, nearly giving Melissa the opportunity to shove the spoon of peanut butter into his mouth. Louis looked around wildly until his eyes met with Harry's, who was standing in the front of the crowd with his open jar of peanut butter in his hand. This made him furious. How dare he just stand there and not do anything?

He finally gathered enough strength to throw Melissa off of him, his arms pushing forward until both of the girls were toppling backwards. The crowd went silent as they watched Louis stand up and charge at Melissa, ready to rip the hairs off her stupid little head, when a teacher showed up and grabbed him by the collar.

"Louis William Tomlinson, what on Earth is going on here?" asked the principal angrily, turning him around to face her. She didn't like him that much, just like nearly all of the teachers in his life, but that was fine with him.

Melissa jumped in, starting to fake cry. "Louis pushed me on the floor! Owie, I think he broke my elbow!"

"She's lying!" Louis shouted furiously, ready to charge at her again as his fists cleanched near his side. "Ask everyone here! They'll tell you she harassed me!"

The principal looked around for someone to add their two cents, but no one was willing to get on Melissa's bad side- that made her smirk.

"Louis, you will be serving detention for a week. We will be setting up a conference with your mother once again. I'm sure your father wouldn't be too proud of you getting into these kinds of fights at school."

"Fuck you."

peanut butter & profanities [larry stylinson] ✅Where stories live. Discover now