*¨*• Chapter 1*¨*•

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"Blast you Peter Pan!" Yelled John as he jumped onto his brother's twin sized bed. John, the second eldest child was ten years old was playing make believe with two of his siblings. Micheal, whom was four, and Clara, who was the young age of 8.
"Never! Give up, captain!" John's younger brother, Michael exclaimed, following John to his bed.
"Oh, save me Peter Pan! You must! Before I get eaten by the crocodiles!" Cried out the third eldest Darling child, Clara.
"Oh no John" giggled Wendy. "It was the left hand" she said, referring to John's fake hook made of a wire hanger.
"Oh yes, thank you Wendy" he said, swapping his hook hand.
Wendy was the eldest of the children, just turned thirteen, and was never ready to let her childhood leave her.
"Don't worry Tiger Lilly, I'll save you!" Said Micheal as he climbed over to Clara, where she was tied up.
Just as Micheal was freeing her from where she was help captive, their nurse dog, Nana waddled into their nursery with their nightly medicine.
"Oh Nana, must we always take that nasty tonic?" Asked Clara with a sick look on her face.
Nana simply did not reply as she carefully poured medicine into spoons for the children to take.
"No! Not Tiger Lilly! Me prized princess!" John yelled in shock as he saw Clara was being freed
The two boys starting fighting. One with a wooden sword and the other with a hook.
Mr. Darling, a proper man, walked into the nursery complaining about the noise from the pretend game.
"Oh hello Father" said John.
"You old bilge rat!" Shouted Micheal.
"What? Now see here Michael!" Stuttered Mr. Darling, thinking that Micheal had called him such a terrible name.
"Oh not you Father." Said Clara, trying not to giggle. "You see Micheal is Peter Pan, and John is Captain Hook. They are fighting over me for I am captured."
"Yes, yes of course." Said Mr. Darling, looking around the room.
"Now has anyone seen my cuff links?"
While looking around he knocked into a wooden block tower Nana was creating.
"Oh for goodness sake Nana! Where are those cuff links?"
"Cuff links, Father?" John questioned.
"Yes, the gold ones." Mr. Darling simply stated.
Micheal, Clara, and John whispered to each other about where the buried treasure was, also known as the golden cuff links.
"Where is the map? That leads to the treasure?" Asked Clara, furrowing her brows.
"It got lost." Said Micheal, hanging his head.
Their attention got drawer back to their Father as he noticed the treasure map drawling on the front of his shirt.
"Hooray! You found it!" Said Micheal jumping up and down while clapping.
"Yes, so I have!" Mr. Darling said, grumbling about how it was his last clean shirt.
"George, dear, we really must hurry, or we'll be late." Said Mrs. Darling, walking into the room gracefully.
"Oh mother, you look like Cinderella!" Said Clara.
"Why thank you dear" said her mother.
"Mary look!" Said Mr. Darling, the attention going back to him.
"It's only chalk father!" Said Micheal, trying to make the situation better.
Mrs. Darling started to scold him when she was  cut off by John.
"It's not his fault! It's in the story. And Wendy said..."
He was cut off but his father.
"Wendy? Story? I might have known Wendy. Wendy!" He called her into room.
"Yes father?" Asked Wendy as she entered the nursery.
"Would you kindly explain-" Mr. Darling was cut off by Wendy swooning over her mother's beautiful dress, just like her younger sister Clara had done.
"Mary, if you don't mind I'd-" Mr. Darling started but was once again cut off.
"Father!" Wendy cried out in shock at the sight of his front shirt.
"What have you done to your shirt?"
At this remark, their father lost his temper.
"Now really George, it comes right off." Said Mrs. Darling as she cleaned his shirt.
"That's no excuse. Wendy, what have I told you about stuffing the boy's and Clara's head with silly stories?"
Clara and her brothers watched the whole interacting with confusion, not entirely sure of what was happening.
"Oh but they aren't!" Argued Wendy, defending the fairy tales.
"I say they are!" Yelled Mr. Darling. "Captain Crook and Peter Pirate.."
"Peter Pan, father." Wendy interrupted for the third time now.
"Pirate, Pan, poppycock!"
"Oh no father!" Said Clara, defending her favorite hero.
"Absolute poppycock! And let me tell you, this ridiculous..."
"Now George.." Mrs. Darling tried to reason.
"Now George. Now George. Well now George will have his say!" Said Mr. Darling spiraling into a fit of rage.
"Please, dear" the children's mother pleaded.
"Mary, the child's growing up. It's high time she had a room of her own." Stated Mr. Darling firmly.
Everyone else in the room looked at Mr. Darling in horror at this remark and started telling him how crazy he was to think of such a terrible thing.
"I mean it young lady!" Yelled the children's father.
"This is your last night in the nursery! And that's my last word on the matter!"
As he was saying that, he tripped over Nana and started falling toward the neat tower of blocks she had made.
To preserve what she had made, she stood in front of it and Mr. Darling fell over Nana, falling into the floor.
Nana also toppled to the ground, laying near a wall.
The children and their mother all gasped at what had just happened.
"Poor Nana!" They all said, rushing over to their dog.
"Poor Nana?" Said Mr. Darling in shock that they had picked the dog over him.
"This is the last straw. Out!" He said pointing to the door.
"Out I say!"
"No, father, no!" Said Micheal, hugging onto Nana's neck
"Yes!" Said Mr. Darling dragging Nana out of the nursery.
"There will be no more dogs for nursemaids in this house!"
Mrs. Darling picked Micheal off the floor as he bid the dog goodbye.

• • •

As the children got tucked into bed Wendy was talking to her mother about how she didn't want to grow up.
"But mother, I don't want to grow up."
"Now, dear don't worry about I any more tonight." Replied Mrs. Darling.
"I can't believe father!" Said Clara sitting up from her bed.
"Why is that?" Questioned Mrs. Darling.
"He called Peter Pan absolute poppycock!" Answered John.
"I'm sure he didn't mean it. Father was just upset." Said Mrs. Darling.
"Poor Nana." Sniffled Micheal. "Out there all alone."
"No more tears Micheal, it's a warm night, she'll be all right."
Micheal reached under his pillow and help up his Father's Holden cuffs.
"Mother, buried treasure."
As Mrs. Darling took the cuffs into her hands she walked toward the window the close it.
"Now children don't judge your father to harshly. He really does love you very much."
Just as she was about to lock the window Wendy stopped her.
"Oh no don't lock it Mother. He might come back."
"He?" Asked Mrs. Darling alarmed.
"Yes, Peter Pan. I found something that belongs to him." Said Wendy
"Oh and what's that?" Asked Mrs. Darling tucking in Clara.
"His shadow." Wendy yawned.
"Shadow?" Asked Mrs. Darling, confused.
"Mm-hmm. Nana had it, but I took it away."
"Oh? Yes, of course. Good night, dear."
Mrs. Darling turned out the lights and walked out of the room quietly, thinking about what Wendy has said.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2023 ⏰

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