Chapter 10

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( Elijah's POV)

"You both improved" I said as I stared at Code K and Code J panting heavily on the ring usual Scorpion observing on the bench.

"Barely" I added as I walked out of the ring leaving the two.

After the little incident during my spar with Scorpio a week ago we've never talked to each other again. We'd meet eye to eye occasionally sure but we've never talked since.

However during the past days, I could feel him burning holes at my back.

He was watching my every move

Like a creep.

I sighed as I waked towards the door to get a break only to stop when Scorpion blocked the door.

Took him long enough

"What do you want" I asked while he remained starring at me. His eyes searched mine with his hands crossed.

"We need to talk" He said seriously causing me to stare at him boredly.

"Talk about what exactly? About King's lovers? As you can see they improved a bit but-"

"You know damn fucking well I wasn't talking about that" He said pissed causing me to sigh as I held my nose bridge in frustration.

"I don't know what the fuck you're talking about. You're either getting out of the way or I'll drag you off myself. I'm good either way" I said just as pissed, our face now inches a part as I felt the tension burning up.

I know there's no specific rules in defeating your opponent on the ring

But licking my dick?

The fuck I'm not even gay

"Look, I just wanted to apologize for what happened..I didn't know what had gotten into me neither but-"

"Stop right there. I already forgot what your trying to apologize for" I said as I grabbed one of his arm pulling myself near his ear.

"But dare do that shit again next time, I'm more than willing to face you and King if I have to" I whispered in Korean as I patted his shoulder walking pass him.

"Don't think I'm one of your master's lovers. Unlike those pathetic shits, I climbed up to my rank without sucking anyone's dicks" I said as I tried to open the door only to stop when the door flung open on its own revealing Master Spade and an unknown fighter beside him.

Beside Master Spade stood a tall man in a plain white robe with his hands on his sides. He's a beginner.

Within the academy, we have color codings to identify one's rank. White robes are for beginners and black for advanced fighters. Robes that are under the 7 deadly cards however have their own color coding depending on their master's taste.

And ours unfortunately has a weird obsession with red.

"Greetings master" I said with a bow as he signed me to raise my head.

"It seems the training is going well, did the undefeatable Scorpio had fun with the sessions too?" Spade said as he plastered on a smile towards the scowling shit head.

"It was fine I guess" He replied coldly.

Master Spade only chuckled as he suddenly grabbed the boy who what seemed to be just as tall as Scorpio.

White robe, and a white mask.

He's suppose to be a beginner.

But why, do I feel scared?

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