Chapter XIX: Scheven

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"We don't know what is to happen to us. It'll be too dangerous to stay or come back, so we need to get out of here. When my grandfather built this prison he made one special cell that he knew he'd get thrown into if his people ever turned on him. He made it to where he could easily escape it. Scheven, you're in there." Luna continued to give him the instructions to get out, and he was successful. He ran down the hall and got the spare keys, then ran back. He undid his handcuffs then walked over to Luna's cell. He unlocked the door, but he went in and locked it again. He pulled back his cloak to reveal his sword, which had been lying by the keys, and he drew it. "Scheven? Scheven what are you doing?" Luna asked in a terrified voice. "What should have been done all those years ago." In absolute shock, Luna stood still. "What have I ever done to you, Scheven?" she asked, still not moving. "I worked tirelessly to forge all those swords. But Soleil loved you, she got you spared. And all my work? For nothing. Did you really think my mind would be changed so quickly?" Luna's face was bent in anger now. "That was thirty years ago, Scheven! You got your revenge on Anastasia, and I helped you." Scheven shook his head. "Enough of this!" he cried as he did what he so badly wanted to do all those years ago. Luna's head tumbled down as its detached body plummeted down. Soleil, who was being held in the cell across from Luna, fell to her knees in grief. Scheven unlocked the cell to let himself out and walked over to her. "Soleil, you betrayed all of Zellarid. We wanted to kill you, but Beau convinced Anastasia to save you and her. Now that she is dead, don't you think you should be with her?" Soleil's face was cupped in her hands. She looked up to Scheven and examined the blood stained on his sword. "I must be here for Soren." She ran to the back of the cell, so Scheven went in. However, before he could shut the door she ran out. He followed her, but she ran faster. "I'll come back for you, Soren!" she yelled as she reached the stairs. Though she was fast, her skirt was long and caused her to trip. She tumbled down the stone steps and fell to the ground, rendering her unconscious. Scheven ran to her, and made sure that she wouldn't wake again.
Hearing the commotion, Arlie busted through the door. "What's going on-'' she saw Soleil. "Enough of this! I am tired of your games Scheven. What did Soleil ever do to you!" she yelled as she drew her sword. They fought, and as they crept down the hall Arlie noticed the other blood stains. She saw out of the corner of her eye the decapitated Luna, and the sobbing Soren. "Not one of you three deserve to live. You've died, Anastasia and Soleil are dead, it's about time you join them." Scheven yelled as they went back down the hall the other way. Arlie began to run, hopping over the corpse, and she ran into the discussion room where the others were. They saw Scheven, drew their weapons, and attacked. Arlie was out of breath, and so Scheven was behind her. As she turned around, Scheven slashed her across the back, causing her to fall. She lost too much blood, and died right there. However, his focus on her caused Perdido and Tage to grab his arms and carry him outside.
They cuffed him around a bar in the castle gate and brought more chains to tie him in. Guards stood on either side of him, their weapons almost touching his neck. Aurora stood right in front of him, her shiv touching his chin. The others stood behind her, with no more mercy in any of their eyes. "You killed Arlie." She slashed his chin. "You killed Soleil." She slashed his left cheek. "You killed Luna." She slashed his right cheek. "But most of all, you killed my mother." She slashed his neck. "You kill the four Queens of the Shiv war." She slashed his forehead.  "Some may applaud you." She slashed his hands. "So give yourself a pat on the back." She went around and slashed him on the back. "Take my words to heart." She stabbed him in the chest. "I have no more mercy to give. You're done for, Scheven. This is the end. You should have died years ago." She removed the weapon. "You let all of this happen and for what? You may be mentioned in history? So that your name may float around as the hero? Nay, the villain now with your devilish horns" She slashed the top of his head. "Your disgusting snout." She slashed his nose. "Your talons" She slashed his feet. He was losing much blood from his various cuts, and the silver chains were turning red. "Do you have anything you'd like to say?" She asked as she slashed his mouth. "I did what I had to do. Just like your mother." She stepped back at his words. "My mother fought for a noble cause. You fight for yourself, Scheven. Everything you do is for 'me, myself and I!'" She screamed as she slashed right in between his eyes. "I did it for Iphica" he said with a weak voice before he dropped his head and let himself be consumed by the growing darkness around him.

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