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"Patrick! Patrick!" I shouted in the crowd, looking for him. 

I didn't notice the glances around me, as I was focused on finding Patrick. Before I could move forward I felt someone hug me from behind and I grinned. I turned around in the arms and looked up at my amazing boyfriend.

"Hi." His smile was soft. 

 I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands draped around my waist. He kissed me and pulled away. I sighed happily and he winked at me. He grabbed my hand and we started walking towards the stadium. The crowd thinned out around us and he pulled his Liverpool scarf tighter around his neck.

"I can't believe how cold it is here." He shivered. 

We were currently in Liverpool, England in the middle of spring. Comparing it to South Africa however, it was freezing and I couldn't help but agree.

We walked to the entrance, the crowd increasing in its' mass. Now and then we were jostled and Patrick pulled me closer to him. It was obviously an excuse for him to bring me closer to him, but I didn't mind it too much. Subtle PDA isn't so bad, after all.

Patrick is gorgeous, with blonde curly hair, multi-toned brown eyes and the build of a rugby player. Which he is, the newly appointed fly half for the London Wasps. He stood around 5"10 and I stood a meager 5"4 next to him. I chose to wear high heels around him, even though it killed my feet. They get enough beating as it is, but I can't resist it.

"Lief, let's go." His voice pulled me out of my thoughts and we walked down the steps of the stadium.

"I can't believe you made me do this." I teased him and he grinned. 

I couldn't stand any other sport other than cricket and rugby.

"I love Liverpool, you know that," he said, "and anyway, I have a surprise for you." 

His grin was infectious. I couldn't resist surprises and he relied on this fact all the time.

I sighed as I got jostled again by someone in the red crowd. The whole place was huge and I could see a lot of people, all them familiar with each other. It was like a huge family. The atmosphere was incredible. People were singing a song about someone called Torres and Patrick joined in with them. We walked down the stairs, reaching the bottom of the stadium, near to the field. We sat down, and he turned to me, the excitement building around us.

"Isn't this great?" He shouted and I shook my head at him.

Everywhere around me I could see red and in a few places I could see blue in between. We sat in the midfield, behind the bench of a team. Patrick looked absolutely exalted between all the Englishmen. I bit my lip and smiled at him. I still can't believe my luck. This is an amazing guy who's in love with me. 

Me, of all the girls he's met in his life. 

I glanced at my engagement ring and grinned, elation running through me like an electric current.

The cheers were deafening as the two teams ran onto the field. Patrick was on his feet cheering for Liverpool and I smiled up at him. Funnily enough, Liverpool was sitting right in front of us, a barrier in front of us separating us from the team. A loud cheer went up as the player with a nine on his back ran on the field. His face was grim, his long blonde hair pushed back by a headband. He was kind of cute but I only had eyes for my fiance.

 I totally lost myself in my thoughts of our future, as Patrick cheered and sung with the rest of crowd as the game began after the national anthem.


The scream made me jump out of my reverie and I cheered with Patrick, obviously not really getting what's happening. He pulled me into a hug as he cheered.


Nine waved wildly at the crowd and I couldn't help but laugh at the numerous girls screaming. He was this Torres guy everyone was shouting for obviously, but I kind of liked calling him nine in my head. Nine's eyes landed on mine and I winked at him feeling a little mischievous. I laughed as he looked intrigued at my gesture. I knew I wasn't going to meet the man, so I decided to have some fun and honestly, it's not like he was really seeing what I was doing from the field.

Throughout the game, I would feel an intense stare on me and I would look towards it and Nine would be staring at me. By the third time, I got so annoyed, I mouthed a 'what?' and frowned at him, and he promptly turned around and stopped looking at me for the rest of the game. I nodded in satisfaction and leaned into Patrick. He kissed the top of my head, and still watched the game.

By the end of the game, I was thoroughly exhausted as I leaned against Patrick, the excitement around me draining my energy. He smiled at me. 

We were walking out of the stadium and all of a sudden a man walked up to us. Patrick greeted the man and they walked a little in front of me discussing something. I stood against the long stadium tunnel wall and observed the two as they spoke. To say I was confused, is an understatement. Patrick shook the mans hand and came to collect me. He winked at me and grabbed my hand. We were being led by the man who obviously knew what we were doing here. 

I guess this was part of my surprise.

"Let's go to your surprise." His excitement was contagious and I sighed and rolled my eyes but smiled at him. 

We walked along the long corridor and as we reached a door with many people standing around talking, they all looked up. One guy walked up to us and greets Patrick.

"How's it mate? Is this your bird?" He smirked at me, looking me up and down making me feel a little indecent.

I was actually dressed rather conservatively. I was wearing dark skinny jeans, a white blouse with a black leather jacket, and over this jacket was my black coat. My shoes were red high heeled boots. Patrick pulled me closer and I shuddered as he led us into a room. I looked back to see that the pervert was gone and as I turned back around, I was met with a sight many women or even men, in England would have died to see.

The whole Liverpool team, topless.

For the Love of Football  [Fernando Torres]Where stories live. Discover now