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I sipped on my cup of coffee, watching Sky News. I was under the duvet, wearing my robe. It was raining outside and I couldn't help but feel sorry for Patrick. He had to practice in this cold weather. I shuddered as I turned my gaze away from the window to the TV again.

They were discussing the up and coming Olympics in Saudi Arabia. Then football came on the discussion. I saw Torres's face and I increased volume as I listened to the issue.

"It is rumoured that El Nino is going to leave Liverpool for a big increase in salary by its rival, Chelsea."

I gasped as they showed footage of him walking out of the Chelsea club house, the paparazzi hounding him.

He looked stone cold as he climbed into his Bentley.

I didn't know what to think. Chelsea was based in London and from what I could deduce from our conversation in Liverpool, he had decided this on his own. Maybe that's why Olalla was so upset with him recently?

The news agency cut to a picture of the three of us at the restaurant during the week. I was sitting next to her looking suspiciously as she smiled insincerely at Fernando. He looked broken, even though it was something he was desperately trying to hide.

"It is obvious that El Nino's personal life is a lot worse than his professional life at this moment. The couple were caught at a restaurant in Liverpool with the team, acting cold towards each other. It is said by a close family member that their marriage is on the rocks."

I bit my lip and then they showed a picture of Patrick and I by the restaurant, him kissing my head.

"On the latest celebrity news, Patrick Lambie the new fly half for the London Wasps is engaged to his longtime girlfriend, Marietta Smit. They seem to be truly in love and a close source stated that the proposal was romantic and simple, leaving her stunned."

They showed a picture of us showing my ring to Steph in Nu-Bar in South Africa. I rolled my eyes.


I felt a pang in my heart as I gazed at Steph. I missed her and Aaron so much. I vowed that when Patrick came back from practice that I was going to ask him to allow them to spend the summer here.

"The date is yet to be announced and in further sport news, all eyes are on Patrick Lambie, known as 'Bambie', in his debut for the Wasps on Friday."

I shut off the TV, and climbed out of bed, stretching. My phone vibrated on the bedside table and I checked it.

It was Olalla to my surprise.

'Hey are you busy? Yolanda and I want to come check out your house. Address and number?'

I replied to her sms with the address and a few minutes I got the reply back.

'See you in 20'.

I bit my lip, pulled off my robe to reveal my naked body and I went into the bathroom. Another gasp emitted from my mouth. It had two, yes two, showers, a huge bath in the middle of the two and two toilets. There were two sinks, both with beautiful white washed mirrors and underneath the concrete slab of these sinks, were two white washed baskets. I pulled one out to see many different types of soaps, bath washes, moisturizers and more bathroom accessories.

I grabbed anything that said it smelt like vanilla and started my shower. I climbed in and inside there was three shower heads. One on the left wall, one on the right wall and one in the middle on the ceiling. I washed myself, my hair and quickly climbed out of the shower into the cold air of my house.

It was so weird to think that this was my home for the foreseeable future.

I walked over to my closet, my feet sinking in the white carpet and pulled out my underwear. I pulled it on, put on deodorant and quickly put on some cream on my newly shaven legs. My hair was still covered by a towel and as I pulled my towel off, my hair fell on my bare back. I shivered.

I pulled out my favourite pair of shoes, my black sandals. I pulled out a white t-shirt and then black jean shorts. I put both of these articles on and then slipped my feet in the shoes. I grabbed a belt and put my hair into a high ponytail, my hair still wet. I quickly coated my eyelashes with mascara and then my doorbell rang throughout the house.

I ran down the stairs, to the entrance. Both girls were standing there with their children. I winced as I realized that children and a white house didn't mix.

But I wasn't going to be rude, so I opened the door.

"Hey girls." I smiled and they both kissed me on the cheeks.

They were dressed a lot better than I, both very fashionable.

"Your house is gorgeous." Yolanda gushed as she looked around, her hands holding the tiny hands of her daughters.

Olalla was holding her son in her arms, and her daughter stared at up me, her eyes distrusting. I stared back and I smiled gently at her. She still stared at me with her big brown eyes and deciding to not be rude and just stand there, I walked to the kitchen. Olalla followed me, talking to her children in Spanish.

"What are you saying?" I asked her.

She looked up and giggled.

"To not touch this perfect house. This house is beautiful. I don't even have a house like this and I'm married to a footballer." 

I laughed.

"It's not just ours but for now it is, the club was really generous towards us."

She nodded and they sat down on the bar stools. The kids' eyes were big as they stared around the sterile space. It made me realize how homely the house really wasn't, regardless of the beauty of it.

"Do you guys want something to drink?" I asked them.

"Coffee for us girls and I think," Olalla was interrupted by her daughter pulling on her coat.

"I want milkthake." She lisped.

It was so cute. No wonder Fernando was so heartbroken about the current state of their marriage. Their kids were adorable and they would be in the middle if they had a huge fall out. She nodded and looked at me, her eyes apologizing.

"Ask nicely, Nora."


"Sure babe, let me start it for you. Vanilla, chocolate, strawberry or bubblegum?" I asked the little girl, leaning forward so I was eye level with her.

"You have bubblegum?" she sounded surprised and excited.

I nodded and she started bouncing on her chair.

"Bubblegum, bubblegum, bubblegum!" She started chanting and then Yolanda's daughters joined in with her.

I laughed and quickly made three.

"Follow me kids." I led them to the theatre room.

The girls gasped, and the little boys held on to my legs as they gaped at the room.

"Ith tho pretty!" Nora stated her eyes huge.

I laughed. I couldn't agree more. The couches all had faux animal furs draped over them, and what a big amount of couches there were. 

8 of them. The walls were painted a dark black and the screen was huge.

I sat them all down and started The Princess and The Frog by the huge entertainment system. I appointed the oldest daughter of Yolanda as the head of the troupe and left them to watch the movie.

I entered the kitchen and the girls grinned at me.

"You are very good with children Marietta." I blushed as Olalla stated this.

"It's nothing. I have a little brother." I sat down next to them and I grabbed my coffee. 

The sipped on theirs and our conversations started off lighthearted but didn't remain so.

For the Love of Football  [Fernando Torres]Where stories live. Discover now