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Nazli had a million thoughts running in her mind as the henna ritual was being performed. Time seemed to have passed in a blur as she juggled work along with preparations for the wedding. She went along with the flow but having heard tons of advice and comments seemed to have triggered an irrational fear in her.

It felt easy when she decided to get married but now that it was going to be a reality, she suddenly had jitters. She tried to calm herself recalling the conversation she had with Ozan.

He asked her to blur out everything and enjoy the moments. She justified that it was easier for him as he knew Deniz for years and had a long courting period unlike her. It's been only a few months since she knew Ferit and she was ready to uproot her whole life for him.

"You look lost" A familiar voice brought her back to reality and it was then she noticed Ferit was next to her.

"When did you come?" She asked him a bit surprised.

"Wow, you're truly lost. Was that entry not dramatic enough?" Ferit said referring to all the loud music and the fuss that was made on his entry.

Before she could answer they were pulled into a dance, and they danced along with the family.

"Everything okay?" Ferit asked her when they settled down to eat.

"It's been a busy week, maybe I'm just overwhelmed. What about you?" Nazli tried not to panic before him.

"I never thought I'd say this. It feels nice to celebrate with everyone around. One more day and it'll be the start of our lives together." Ferit held her hand and gave her a warm smile.

"And it doesn't scare you?" Nazli couldn't hold back.

"No... life without you in it seems scary now" Ferit answered after a momentary pause.

There was something about the way he looked at her that just erased all her scary thoughts and she smiled for the first time that evening.

They were joined by family, and she occasionally stole glances of him while he was having fun with Melek and Bulut. Melek was over the moon when he gifted her some iPods and Harry Potter memorabilia. She had been singing his praises ever since.

"I know you'll look amazing tomorrow and I'll try not to disappoint you." Ferit whispered in her ear and kissed her cheek before he left.

Hours flew by and she was now standing in front of a mirror watching herself in full glory.

"Someone's going to get lucky tonight" Fatos whispered in her ear, earning a glare from her.

Nazli squeezed her father's hand trying to ensure it wasn't a dream. She could see him holding back the tears and exchanging a glance with her mother. She was beaming with happiness leaning on to her aunt, who also shared her excitement.

She smiled at her family trying to cheer them up as she noticed them all getting quite emotional. She mustered the courage to walk towards the table. She knew he was watching her from the moment she set her foot in, but she wanted to soak it all in before she stood before him.

And just like the first time, she traced the path from the hand that was now holding hers to the eyes that captured her. He winked at her proudly as he could sense her appreciation and pulled out the chair as distraction as she blushed.

"You made it." Ferit whispered in her ear as he pulled the chair close to her.

She smiled as she recalled their conversation the day before. She might've given him a scare last night.

"I can still run away... I've got my sneakers on." She mumbled pulling her dress up a bit, showing him the proof.

"Try me" He entwined his fingers with hers in a strong hold and gave her the widest grin. Not that she'd dare but his hold gave her all the support she needed.

While they were busy admiring each other, Engin pretended to cough trying to get their attention to focus on the registrar.

Giving her approval, signing the document and all the loud cheers felt like a dream till the moment he leaned in to seal it all with a kiss.

"Look how happy they're!!" Nazli whispered as the grandmothers showered them in love.

"Thank you" He quickly whispered in her ear before the entire family descended on them.

Rest of the day passed in a blur as they greeted everyone and accepted their wishes. She was standing with her cousins while he was with his father's friends. They could see the guest list was extended without their knowledge, but she was too tired to bother about all that.

"So, how does it feel now?" Ozan nudged her as the rest of them left to get food.

"Relieved!! Happy!! Excited!!" Nazli expressed her joy.

"Wait till the penny drops on him. He's yet to experience how annoying you can be." Ozan teased her, making her frown.

"Go and annoy your wife." Nazli pushed him away as Zeynep joined her.

"I'm so glad you both are married now." Zeynep squeezed her into a hug as she stood next to her.

"It's been an eventful week. Thank you for all the help though." Nazli thanked her sister-in-law for helping her with dress shopping, decor and all the support she gave her.

"You can always throw me a baby shower and repay the favour." Zeynep winked pointing to her belly, which wasn't still showing.

"It's my responsibility now." Nazli assured that she'll take care of it.

"Look at him there, can't even take his eyes off you." Zeynep teased her as they saw Ferit eyeing them even though he was standing far away in a group.

Suddenly the music went on and Ferit walked towards her for their first dance.

"I've heard this before. Didn't you play this for me in the car that night when we went fishing?" Nazli's eyes shone as he pulled her closer.

"Have I? Well better get used to it, you're going to hear it a lot." Ferit smiled as he twirled her.

"I must be really special then." Nazli felt like teasing him as they danced to "You're Special".

"Straight out of my dream..." Ferit whispered in her ear.

"Don't look at me like that" Nazli blushed under his gaze.

"Like how?" Ferit pretended to be ignorant.

"Forget about that, why don't you tell me about my surprise?" Nazli tried to get some information from him.

"We made a deal, didn't we?" Ferit chuckled at her impatience. She was to coordinate with the family for the wedding stuff while he organised a special surprise for her.

"I did my part, it's your turn now." Nazli pouted her displeasure while he smiled at her.

"Patience my dear wife, I can't wait to be alone with you too." Ferit winked at her, causing her to nudge him.

The music turned upbeat, and the family joined them on the dance floor. An hour later, they decided it was time to leave and proceeded to the car while the family cheered.

Nazli tried to pull some pins from her hair that was starting to hurt.

"Don't make it worse, I'll help you later." Ferit stopped her as she was struggling.

"Fine... Why are we here?" Nazli looked at him puzzled as they reached the marina.

"Patience Mrs. Aslan." Ferit just gave her a smile as he got down and opened the door for her.

He got her on the yacht and started the engine. Soon the lights of shore no longer blinded them.

"Can I have a go?" Nazli looked at him expectantly and he gladly let her take over.

Once she was okay with it, he let go of her hands and set about freeing her hair from the pins. He left a trail of kisses from behind her ear to her neck. He stopped the engine and turned her around to capture her lips.

"Where are we going?" Nazli asked him again as she traced her hands from his neck to his bow tie, playing with it as she regained her breath.

"You'll see" Ferit started the engine again.

"It feels like I'm being kidnapped." Nazli said as Ferit blindfolded her and carried her in his arms after she faltered on a few steps.

"We're here." Ferit opened her blindfold only to see a beautiful home by the sea.

"It's beautiful." Nazli explored the house once he put her down.

Ferit told her that it was a wedding gift from his parents.

"Baba sure has access to the best properties." Nazli admired his father's selection.

"His area of expertise but this house is something else. It's the perfect escape from everything." Ferit admired the remoteness of it.

"Is it though, as long as you got your mobile?" Nazli challenged him as he would be sneakily working no matter where he was.

"Don't be jealous, Mrs. Aslan. I'm all yours now." Ferit pulled her into his arms, and she couldn't resist.

"I'm quite flattered." Nazli linked her arms around his neck.

"I hope you're not planning to fall asleep tonight." Ferit whispered in her ears causing her to push him away.

"Let me go. I need to change." Nazli tried to leave while he hugged her from behind.

"I can help you with that" Ferit left a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"I do need help with something... Go and get the bags." Nazli slowly turned around and pushed him towards the door.

Nazli decided to freshen up while Ferit went to get their bags. While she was struggling awkwardly with the last set of buttons, she heard giggles and finally noticed Ferit standing in the doorway.

"How long were you there?" Nazli was embarrassed as she went on a whole rant cursing all desserts, she ate earlier that evening.

"Long enough to witness your struggle." Ferit stood behind her now.

His fingers slowly traced the path down her spine till it landed on the button that needed to be open.

"All done." He placed a kiss on her shoulder as the dress dropped in a pile between them leaving her in a silk white slip.

"I guess I should return the favour." Nazli turned around to face him.

Ferit made her sit on the counter as her hands traced the bow tie and removed it for him. Her lips met his as she unbuttoned his shirt and the next moment, she was in his arms being carried to their bed. His eyes locked with hers and she could see it in his eyes what she meant to him. Their moment had finally come, and she was ready to be his forever.


Finally, the stars have aligned!! I've written a bit of next part, so might continue if I do get time. Please can we have more Nazfer fanfics (for all writers reading this)  :)

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