Chapter One: In the Face of Ignorance

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"I have to meet with her, we have to find out what Esther wants." Elena's stubborn tone carried so easily from the kitchen where she stood with the Salvatore psychos, to where you sat on the couch in the living room. You rolled your eyes and sighed, pinching the bridge of your nose. You had continuously told her how easy it would be for any vampire to spy on these little scheming sessions of hers and report everything back to Klaus - all one of the dirty, little bloodsuckers would have to do is stand outside. But did she ever listen? Nope.

At this point, you weren't even sure why you still bothered to try and help. You had only offered your assistance in the first place because Jeremy had begged you to.

When your childhood best friend had found out that you were aware of the Supernatural whatnot going on in the town, he'd been rather hurt that you hadn't told him of your discovery sooner and the two of you had gotten into an argument - something about how best friends shouldn't keep secrets and also feelings, but even after two hours of Jeremy trying to explain and milkshakes you still didn't really understand. He said that he'd been terrified to tell you about the things going on in his life because he thought you would laugh or call him crazy. You wouldn't have, of course, seeing as you'd known the big secret before he had. (Your discovery of the vampires in town, and subsequently the rest of the supernatural, was something of a funny story actually. That story involved Damon trying to eat you, a heavily modified stun gun devoid of all safety features, and what you hoped was a very uncomfortable ride over the falls for Damon who you had bound, gagged, and stashed in a large oak chest from your garage which you dumped into the river. Damon had never bothered you [with lethal intent] ever again.) When Jeremy had found out his sister's secret, you had instantly been able to tell - simply by the look on his face. You'd never been good at understanding people or emotions. This time, however, you could tell that your actions had seriously hurt him. Apologies really weren't your thing, but you couldn't lose the only friend you'd ever had so you explained your reasons and counted yourself lucky that he was willing to forgive you... on one condition. Jeremy made you promise to keep an eye out on Elena and her protection squad. Even though Jeremy was livid with his sister, he didn't want her to die. He made you pinky promise on it.

So that's how you'd found yourself here, lounging on the Gilbert couch, stuffing your face with Doritos while you suffered through listening to Elena's determination to get herself dead. It was exhausting but a promise is a promise, you supposed, even if the person with whom you made the promise gets compelled to whisk himself away to Denver.

"Do you have a death wish?" Damon demanded.

'Here we go again,' You thought, restraining a groan.

"No, but-"

"Then what, Elena? 'Cause that's the only logical illogical reason I can think of for you to want to be within ten miles of some crazy witch who's already tried to kill you. Twice!" Damon practically shouted. So much for secrecy. Now was probably the time for you to chime in seeing as the few brain cells contained within that room seemed to be getting tossed aside in favor of fragile feelings and even more fragile egos. You folded down the top of your bag of Doritos and placed it neatly on the coffee table before standing up and sauntering your way towards the kitchen.

"We need that information, Damon!" Elena's voice was so whiny. Good heavens, it was annoying. "I'm going whether you like it or not!"

"Here's a bright idea: how 'bout ya' don't," You chimed in, leaning against the door frame. Damon turned to glance at you, brows raised in surprise. The two of you almost never agreed on anything and for good reason.

He shoved a finger at you and turned back to Elena as if trying to prove a point. "See? Listen to the Valedictorian!"

"Wait, why are you-" Elena looked at you with confusion. "Jeremy's not here..." She said slowly.

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