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The girl looked up, and blue eyes met green. Skye Penderwick gazed contentedly at the face of her one true love-

"What, Jane."
"Have you ever 'stared contentedly at the face of your one true love,'? "
"What in the world are you talking about? Have you gone crazy?"
"No, I'm just- nevermind."

Skye Penderwick gazed contentedly at the face of her one true love, and he stared right back. Jeffery Tifton grasped hands with the girl like it was his lifeline, and sighed with pleasure.
Unfortunately , the pleasures where not meant to last. Jeffery had to get back to-

"Hey Skye."
"Jane, if you ask me another love question-"
"No! No, I'm just wondering what school Jeffery goes to."
"Oh, I think it's...hey. Wait a second. Jane, what exactly are you writing?"
Jane blushed and hastily tried to cover up her favored notebook.

A/N: short, I know, but its just to get used to Penderwicks fics ;) Enjoy!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2015 ⏰

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