Chapter 8: Im hungry..

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Its been 2 days since the unexpected meeting happend and its also been 2 days since you had a good night's rest.. Oh wow.. the life of luxury had made you forgotten what tiredness and stress felt like huh?

You were now in your room just laying on your bed with so much questioning thought's that your brain can't even process and stress itching over all over your body

As you lay on your bed blankly looking at ceiling with every single thought in your head going everywhere and you realized that laying in bed will not doing anything..

You were craving a snack and that alone finally got you the energy and motivation to get up and get a snack. You grabbed your wallet from the nightstand and headed to the door beside the stairs, you opened the door and went into the white void and went to head out to get a tasty snack

 You grabbed your wallet from the nightstand and headed to the door beside the stairs, you opened the door and went into the white void and went to head out to get a tasty snack

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As you enter the void you were met with three set of door's each leading to a location you were sure far from your home..

Each door was somewhat special

The door from your right is a library where you would meet with very tall bookshelves with a lot of books and writing stands..

The door from your left is barricaded.

And if you would go through the middle you would meet a location on where you were going

And if you would go through the middle you would meet a location on where you were going

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And you did

And you did

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