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Note: I had the idea for this book almost a year ago(When I was still writing in first person lmao) when I was in my power rangers phase. I stumbled across it today and decided to write it. Also, some quick background info– the power rangers are not known by the JLA because after their mission is over any and all information is removed from public knowledg. Lightspeed.(In this AU Grayson gets to keep his morpher incase of emergencies.)


Carter rarely tried to remember his childhood. He wasn't sure when he started remembering but it had to be recently. The earliest he could remember was being back stage. And then for a while he stopped wanting to remember- so he didn't.

Although one day he decided he wanted to remember– this wasn't to long before he became a ranger. After a while of processing emotions– however unwanted they were– he started to remember.

He remembered lights, the feeling of wind going through his hair as he swang on a trapeze with no net below it. He remembered feeling the pure adrenaline high that he longed for as a firefighter– and one he got quite often. He remembered expertly weaving through the air almost as a majestic cat would to land paws on the ground. For a while this was all he remembered– the niceness of it.

He remembered his parents, his Mamă a graceful swan in the circle. His Tată, a strong and yet caring man who always took care of then. And most of all he remembered the beautiful and innocent face of his Păsărică– his birdie, his little joy filled brother. He remembered the others sweet smile, or triumphant whoops when the younger successfully pulled of a trick.

Carter didn't want the good memories to end- but all good things must come to an end at some point in their poor lives. Carter immediately knew what was coming when he started to remember a hushed conversation with his Tată and the strange man he would never learn the name of. Carter wished to stop remembering– but he couldn't peal his eyes away from the memories.

A somber scene of screaming coming from a place in his memories he could never see– as he had never left backstage. All those years ago he was to scared to leave- and now even though he had known what the ring looked like, he didn't want to know what his mind would conjure if he went out there– and he wasn't sure he wanted to know.

He remembered being taken away by the wicked man. He remembered his first night in the group home. He remembered the constant bruising from the other boys there. Sure– he had been fourteen and was even having lessons, but to the other boys all he was happened to be a circus freak. To them he was a foreigner who was to stupid to understand what they were saying, but that was far from the truth– in fact he exceeded all expectations in his English. Carter theoretically knew that he was a living, breathing human being– but it seemed that everyone else viewed him as a glorified punching bag, so that's what his fourteen year old self started to think of himself as– a living, breathing nobody. Someone who wouldn't be missed. Somebody who nobody would care if he went off and never showed up again.

He remembered his first attempt. He had gotten his hands on a bottle of advil– It wasn't like it was under lock and key. He remembered the feeling of the smooth plastic in his hand– he remembered the feeling of the pills as they slipped down his throat. He remembered the relief as the empty bottle slipped from his hand. He remembered everything going dark– his hope that he would never wake up.

He remembered the lights of a hospital. At first he had idle wondered if he was dead and this was the afterlife. Although that was quickly proven wrong when he opened his eyes to the empty hospital room. He remembered his hands trembling when he came to the realization that he would have to go back. The sterile scent was overwhelming. He didn't remember the panic attack– but who could blame him.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24 ⏰

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