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46 Red Roses Everywhere

Filming started today in a studio backlot on the outskirts of the city.

The first scene to be shot was the palace banquet, where the Emperor was receiving visiting envoys.

Seventh Prince Chu Beichen and his consort

Shangguang Yingrong were engaged in a battle of wits with the envoys. Jennie's character Princess De only had a Minor role in the scene; she only needed to act as an enchanting ornament sitting beside the Emperor.

Even so, for just a small role, wearing so many layers of the traditional dress on such a hot day was a real pain.

It didn't help that Jennie's costume was extremely complicated. Her clothes weren't just the thickest, her headpiece itself also weighed several kilograms.

After one shot, she was drenched in sweat inside her costume, though no one could tell.

The director yelled, "Cut." Krystal's two assistants came up to her straight away. One gave her a hand fan and the other a bottle of water. A cooling mat had already been arranged for her on her chair.

Jennie didn't even have one assistant; she didn't even get to drink any water after filming. She had another scene later, so she couldn't take the costume off yet. She could only undo her collar to cool off.

Everyone was praising Krystal's acting, and the director also complimented her performance. However, he turned back to the camera to review Jennie's scenes.

Although she had no lines and only appeared a few times, her expression was on point; she looked idle and bored, yet also carried an air of contempt for the people around her, since she was preparing to destroy the country with her own two hands.

Good, he wasn't concerned anymore.

At this time, the production assistant Xiao Li shouted excitedly, "Teacher Kim, your boyfriend is here to visit you!"

Of course, by "Teacher Kim" he meant Krystal.

Dressed in a refreshingly casual style, Jongin walked over, and behind him two of his men followed with a large box filled with ice cream for everyone.

"Wow! It's Haagen-Dazs! Thank you for the treat, Master Su!"

"Teacher Kim is so blessed, her boyfriend came to visit on the first day!"

"Oh my god! They are so lovey-dovey!"

"Why are your mouths still flapping when you're eating!" Krystal pouted. She then took some ice cream over to Jennie.

"Junior Sister Kim, have some!"

"Thank you." Jennie accepted it politely.

This woman never got tired of pretending to be an angel in front of other people, especially when Jongin was around, whereas Jennie was tired just watching her. It was a good thing her specialty was acting, so she didn't mind playing along.

After she returned to her seat, Krystal looked at Jongin. It seemed like she had something to say, but was unsure whether to say it or not. She eventually said hesitantly, "Jongin oppa, I'm a little worried about Jen..."

"Why? What's wrong with Jen?" Jongin asked immediately, "You know how last night was the opening ceremony? My dad also came, and he saw Jennie there. I don't know what Jennie said to him that made him so angry. He even talked about switching out the actress for her role..."

"How did it turn out like that?" Jongin frowned.

"I don't know either. When I went over, all I saw was Dad's angry face!"

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