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961 The Story Behind It All

When she heard what So-Hee said, Jennie looked up from her documents and exclaimed, "To be honest, I was surprised myself...we really owe Chaeyoung a huge one this time! When I'm done with all this, I must treat her to a feast!"

"Boss, Boss! We have so many orders flowing in. Do we have to start rushing the production for the new items? I'm worried that we don't have enough manpower. We only have 10 craftsmen to cater to the bespoke orders...."

Jennie nodded at So-Hee and said, "Director Han, you should already have a plan in mind, don't


Since So-Hee had dared to suggest that risky idea to just give the clothes away, she should definitely have something in mind already.

So-Hee said briskly, "My plan is to temporarily reject all of the orders. If anyone asks, we'll just have to answer that we've run out of stock and that high-quality bespoke pieces must all be pre-ordered three months in advance. The customers who successfully pre-order will be serviced personally by our team who'll tailor outfit styles based on their image and aura."

"Ah! Reject all of them?! All?" Han Momo widened her eyes in shock.

However, she was not as impulsive this time.

Instead, she contemplated So-Hee's reasoning.

"Director Han, are you trying to create the idea that the rarer something is, the greater it is in value?"

So-Hee nodded. "That's right. To the customers, something that's too easily attainable will be just as easy to ditch aside. The harder it is to purchase would only make them treasure and covet it more. If we give in to every request, they'll lose interest very quickly and even feel like they aren't special if everyone else wears the same piece too. This is why History got overdone in the socialite circle so quickly. They fell short of the market peak just for momentary profit."

Jennie snapped her fingers. "Okay, let's do that then! Coincidentally, we need to renovate our office and hire new staff and all that..."

So-Hee paused, then continued, "Additionally, I have another piece of good news and the time is quite ripe now. I've shortlisted quite a few retailers with good potential, so we can begin our physical flagship stores."

"'Whoa! Hurray!" Han Momo tugged at Baekhyun's arm and cheered excitedly.

Jennie felt moved with a myriad of emotions bubbling within her. Finally...finally, we made it...

"Baekhyun, are you okay? After the flagship store opens, we'll definitely need huge amounts of readymade designs," Jennie asked in concern.

Baekhyun revealed a radiant smile and took out a huge stack of drafts from the drawer. "I've long prepared for this day to come!"

Jennie looked at the design drafts with sparkling eyes. Just a skim of them and she knew that they were products from the essence of the peak of his inspiration. "Oh wow! So much effort! All of my partners are so reliable! I feel so secure!"

"Boss, you're the one that makes us feel most secure! You always do things that we thought were impossible!" Han Momo said with shining eyes as she voiced out Baekhyun's thoughts.

"Okay, okay, enough brown nosing. I'll definitely increase your salaries next month! With a bonus thrown in!"

"Boss, I love you!"

"Okay, get to work now, let me answer this call!"

The phone rang and Jennie walked to the balcony to get it.

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