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" I have determined your nature as a deathbringer."

As soon as Gray spoke those words, your eyes widened slowly. "A deathbringer..?" you whispered. "You had the voice of an angel that soothed your unhinged friend, Zack," Gray replied.

"Wherever you went, death followed. You visited B5, and Danny was impaled by Zack.
You visited B4, Eddie suffered the white noise produced by your gun, and was eventually stabbed to death. On B3, you denied Zack what he required, which led to you shooting Cathy, with absolute murderous intentions."

And how the fuck is that my fault?! She's the one who placed the syringes!

"And Zack was wounded since you'd denied him what he required. You brought death as a result of your actions, and are no saint," Gray stated.

"You are a sacrifice. And with the will to kill, you're filled with nothing but sin," he finalized.

 "Hah! What are you now, a god? Last time I checked, you were a mortal being; what gives you the right to judge my supposedly sinful actions when you are just as tainted, Gray?" you laughed, a smile curving at your lips.

Gray's grip on his book tightened, as he sent an icy glare to you. "Silence. Now, for our...witnesses," he said.

The forms of each guardian appeared, your chains releasing you from their grip, handcuffs falling off.

Oh, how nice.

"First, we have Cathy," Gray said. "What is your stand in this situation?"

"She's a beauty, but my, a sinner at that. A criminal, if I may! She's the sole reason why Zack is about to die!" Cathy said.

"She shot me, full intentions of killing!" Cathy said, a hurt look on her face. "She's nothing but a criminally beautiful monster," she said, glaring, as a recording of the action played.

Drama queen.

"Who's to say you didn't enjoy that shot, though?" you said, nearing the blonde. "You put on quite a show, Catherine; you smiled, screaming, even, that you'd judge me, and that was until you were stabbed by Zack, no?"

"How about we play the full recording, Cathy?" Danny suggested. Cathy sighed angrily, glaring daggers at you.

And there it showed; the full thing. Her actions, your shot, your actions, Zack's kill, everything.

"Your wishes, Cathy?" Gray said. "I'd like Y/N to be drowned to death," she said, and you widened your eyes, as water began to circle around you. Shit, shit, shit...!

Soon enough, you were enveloped by a current, your oxygen cut short. You held your breath as long as possible, Cathy smiling widely at the sight.

"Writhe and struggle! That expression you criminals show! It's so delightful! The more you struggle, the better!" she yelled, but her excitement cut short as Gray raised his hand. "I believe that's quite enough, Catherine," he said, as the water disappeared, your form falling on the ground.

"But she hasn't died, Gray!" she argued, the priest raising his hand. "Leave," he said sternly.

You coughed dryly, as you regained your breath.
Why...? Why this..? Me, a deathbringer..? What is this all about?

Cathy's formed soon disappeared, as she glared at you. "Bitch," you muttered under your breath.

"Ahem. No usage of profanities. Our next witness: Eddie. What do you have to say?" Gray said, crossing his arms.

Eddies face darkened with a smile, as he faced you. "I'm glad for it to be my turn," he said. "Y/N is a nice person, and considerate! She and I talked for a while, and before Zack interrupted our talk, she actually listened to what I had to say!"

You felt a small pang of hurt in you as you saw the boy. I'm sorry, you'd left me with no choice, Eddie.

"...As much as I would like to talk about how kind she was, though, she also killed me," Eddie said. "Lies!" you interrupted.

"I may have sent that sound signal that hurt your ears and thrown you into that grave-dug area, but it was Zack who did the deed!" you said desperately. "Don't interrupt me!" Eddie said, pointing at you.

"It's because of her I can no longer see my Rachel..." he said sadly.

"Your wishes, then?" Gray asked. "I'd like Y/N sentenced to death by spikes," Eddie said in a sinister tone.

You felt your form being raised onto a cross, spikes and flames surrounding you. You could only glare, your expression one of pure disbelief.

The boy only let out an angry huff as he vanished. No. This must be an illusion, and nothing else, right..?

Your form was dropped as you braced for impact, but only feeling the floor.

"Now, now, we can't have her dying, now can we, right reverend?" Danny said, smiling gently. "Here," he extended his hand. Hesitantly, you took it, backing away once you stood back up.

"State your cases, Doctor," Gray said sternly, letting out a sigh.

"Thank you for your permission, reverend Gray. This is quite a good opportunity," Danny said. "I'd been searching for a beautiful pair of eyes, like those of Rachel's! Dead but alive. I can see why Eddie would like such a wonderful girl. Y/N's oculi, in similarity, however, though full of life, were quite dark as well."

"They'd seen death over and over, life, hope, and despair. They were complete and beautiful!" Danny exclaimed.

"They were perfect, so beautiful, but Zack took a hold of her before I was able to—"
"Enough, Daniel. Your testament has been twisted by Y/N's self," Gray said.

Before the doctor could utter another word, he was sent away from the trial. "Your fate has been determined, deathbringer."

. . .Fate? Fuck that shit. Bring it, Gray.

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