Chapter one - backstory

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Aaa.. Life.
It can be difficult.
Just like my life..
I had a hard past'..
Here's how It went..

I woke up a morning before quickly sitting up from my futon and headed out. My sister  was in the kitchen making us breakfast. She had been like a parent to me after our real parents died. Tomorrow, she's going marry a nice guy, I was very excited for her wedding.. though, I didn't know what was soon coming to come..

We ate the breakfast my sister had made and went on with the day. It was sunny today, the sky was blue as the ocean in the pacific. My sister always told me I had beautiful eyes. How they reminded her of the ocean. It made me happy when she completed my eyes and how caring she was. I really love her.

"There yeah, Giyu?" My sister asked me as I smiled and looked at her from the back door. Tsutako was washing her kimono for her wedding tomorrow in the back yard. Our backyard was simple. We had a small pond for water and no trees or bushes. We weren't that rich, but still happy. Our house wasn't the biggest either. But like I said, we didn't care much. "Yeah?" I answered, still smiling as bright as the sun. "Could you maybe go inside and make some lunch for us? I have to wash a little more so I wondered if you could," she sweetly asked as she had a warm smile on her mouth. "Sure!" I said as I quickly went back inside to make lunch for both of us. We both ate the lunch I had prepared and went on again with the day.

As night approached, my sister and I went to my room because I wanted my sister with me when I went to bed. But then, I suddenly heard a mysterious sound outside my room when me and my sister had arrived. We both froze, not knowing what the sound was. My sister looked serious before she told me,whispering: "quickly.. go and hide in that closet.. and don't come out.. okay?" I nodded, a little confused and scared as I did what she told me too.

I had a little of the closets doors open, so I could see what was going on. My sister was looking  around for something to use as a weapon. She couldn't find anything and just took her fists out.

The noise came closer and closer to my room as suddenly a horrendous creature came into the room.. it's teeth was sharp as swords and it's 'claws' or nails was even sharper. It's skin color and eyes were inhumane. I held my hand over my mouth as small, quiet, tears slowly fell down my cheeks. It was terrifying to watch as the demon attacked my sister. My sister fell onto the floor as the creature went on top of her, choking her. She struggled a lot from getting the terrifying creature off her. But couldn't do it in time. Her body suddenly fully 'relaxed' as her eyes closed. I was scared to death. The creature started to tear her limbs apart from her body as blood splattered nearly everywhere. It was terrifying to watch as the demon ate her body as it was normal food.

Oh Tsutako... I miss you..

From that and on, people called me crazy for saying that an inhuman creature killed my sister. No one believed me and some thought I was mentally ill, so I got sent away to get that 'fixed'. But before they even got me there, I ran away, up in the mountains. I was saved by a fisher man, who found me unconscious in the mountain's, cold, and freezing  to death. The fisher man had bought me to someone named 'Sakonji Urokodaki'. He was wearing some kind of mask. It was red and had a long nose, and was said to be a 'demonslayer trainer'. I also didn't know that the creature that killed my sister was a demon until Urokodaki explained to me.. but as I was training for something upcoming, called: 'The final selection' which was the final test to see if you are capable of becoming a 'demonslayer'.

As I was training to become a demonslayer, I met someone named, Sabito. We had become close friends while training. Like best friends. And when final selection came, we both were given masks to protect us during the final selection. Urokodaki had made them by hand himself, and we both we're grateful for the masks he had given us.

During final selection... Sabito and I kept together... but.. it ended badly.. Sabito had killed nearly fifty demons during the time final selection was and protected nearly every one.. I got slammed unconscious during final selection.. after final selection I woke up in a futon. I didn't know where I was and what had happened during that time. Soon, someone came in and explained to me what had happened. I was in pure shock... Sabito had died.. a demon killed him... a-a demon.... Killed-d... him.... The persons left the room after they got done explaining.. tears formed in my eyes as I started to cry, quietly but uncontrollably, as I grabbed do to the quilt..

The next following days, my tears wouldn't stop rolling.. and then the next years later.. I became a pillar. I felt like I didn't deserve to be a pillar, saying 'I'm different then all of you' all the time.. I have a reason to why I'm behaving that way, it's because I don't deserve to be a pillar.

I'm Giyu Tomioka.. and, that was by story to you..

// to be continued- \\

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