Synopsis: after Sanjay gets completely lost in the hidden city, he tries so hard to find his dad Leonardo.
Leo and his son Sanjay were having a little father and son bonding time in the hidden city while his husband was at home with Sasha and Ethan. He loves his son Sanjay even though he was a mutant bunny which is fine because Leo loves all his kids.
"Wow dad! I can't believe you actually go here with your brothers! This is so cool!" Sanjay said as he was wearing a white shirt and black shorts. Leo chuckled.
"Yep! That's right kiddo! I just wanted to do my own thing here!" Leo explained to his bunny son everything but Sanjay looked over to someone that was selling t-shirts as he went over there while his dad was still talking.
"Then when I find out that massage guy given me evil hair I had to cut it off! Crazy story, huh Sanjay?" Leo asked and he noticed that his son wasn't there by his side. He started to panic as he called out his name but there a lot of mutant crowded around in the hidden city.
"Sanjay! Sanjay!" Leo shouted out and he still couldn't find him.
Meanwhile, Sanjay got the t-shirt for free as he started to look for his dad but he got so lost that he panicked and got scared all of a sudden, his floppy ears fell behind while his eyes widen.
"Dad! Daddy!" Sanjay shouted out through the crowd of mutants. Back to Leo as he was still trying to find his son and he even asked some mutants if they have seen his son but they haven't seen him anywhere.
"Sanjay! Where are you?"
As Sanjay was still lost and still couldn't find his dad anywhere, he started to hear a voice that sounds familiar to him.
"Dad!" Sanjay cried out as he started to run to him and he finally found Leo and sees that Leo had crouched down while his arms were open.
"Dad! Daddy!" Sanjay jumped into Leo's arms and started to sobbing into his dad's neck. Leo comfort him and calm him down.
"Shh it's okay Sanjay! Daddy's here! I've got you now! Don't ever do that again, do you understand?"
"I'm sorry dad! I won't do it again I promise! Can we just go home?" Sanjay asked as Leo kissed him on the forehead.
"Yeah kiddo!" Leo said as they started to walk home.
Even though Leo was 14 years old, he still love being a dad to his kids. It might be hard for Leo but at he's getting used to the whole being a dad thing.