My mother-in-law -2

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I was awakened by the sun rays that fell directly on my face then I remember that I had forgotten to place the curtains right at night.

I sighed as I didn't want to open my eyes to another tiresome and frustrating day. I stayed in bed for over  5 minutes before I decided to get out to face what today had prepared for me.

I walked lazily to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, had a long shower and then dried my hair.

After my routine, I walked out of the bathroom in my bathrobe and walked to my walk in closet to get my outfit for the day.

I got some denim shorts and a matching blouse which were pink in colour and then walked out of the room to the dining room.

I was greeted by the sight of the smiling Hazel who greeted me as she served me breakfast of milk and toast bread.

After, I took out my phone and called Lyn who I hadn't talked to for the whole night. On the third ring, she answered.

" Good morning Lyn are you okay?" I asked her as soon as she answered my phone.

" Yeah am okay Sis. How about you, do you miss me already." I laughed as she joked.

"I will be seeing you today. Not so" I asked and she replied Yes.

After talking for about 30 minutes, I said goodbye and then hung up.

I was bored with nothing to do except watching movies and playing with my phone.

As I was in the bedroom thinking about taking a nap, I had the doorbell ring.

Since I was upstairs, I imagined that Hazel received it.

After about 5 minutes, Hazel came to me and said that I had a visitor downstairs. I told her I will be down in a minute.

After I came to the living room, I saw a middle aged woman with her face down looking at her phone. I cleared my throat to make my presence known and she lifted her head to reveal a face that I can't forget even if am am sent to hell.

"Mom," I called.

"Oh please spare me.  Do I look like your mom, me being a mother to your husband doesn't make me your mom" she replied.

" I came to inform you that I found the suitable wife to my son so please start thinking of when to divorce him."
You first of all are from lowly background, secondly you haven't even given birth to a child for my son. So I don't know what use you have here.

I listened to her without replying until she stopped talking.

" Am still his wife so whosever you found is a mistress." I replied calmly.

" Who do you think you are to speak to me like that" she retorted.

" Am his wife," I replied shortly.

I watched her as she looked at me as if she wanted to rip me into pieces with her burning gaze.

" I will do everything in my authority to make sure you divorce Jason." I heard her say.

" And I will do everything in my authority to keep my marriage." I replied.

She angrily stood up and I breathed a sigh of relief thinking that she is leaving but unexpectedly she gave me a hot slap that left me wondering how she came next to me.

" Am warning you, better leave this place before I do something that will make you regret ever marrying my son." She said and then stormed off.
I was left there in a daze thinking of everything that had just happened.


Thank you all for reading my story hope that you liked it.
Tell me what you think in the comments and .
See you soon in the next chapter.
Love you all

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