Dysphoria 😔💅✨

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After being trans for a little while, I started to feel dysphoric every time before a shower. Whenever I looked in the mirror, I would think to myself "That's not a woman", and I would get really sad.

Yesterday (3/17/2023) was the worst. I read someone else's story as a trans person, and it mentioned self-harm. That made me think about how my dad would react to me coming out if he was alive. I also started to feel like there was something missing. I don't feel right when it comes to my chest. I want boobs, and I'm planning on getting a boob job sometime soon.

How dysphoria works for me is I feel like my body is a bit big, and I would feel better with tits. Yesterday, one of my non-binary partners helped me with my major dysphoria. They made me look in a mirror and asked "What do you see?", and I said "I see a woman." I'm glad I have people that support me.

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