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(Seungcheol's Pov)

It's a few days later until Donavan's heat subsides and not only have we gotten closer and more comfortable with each other but we also made a promise to keep things honest with each other. Which means we talk about our feelings, concerns and what's happening with our careers. Sitting on the small bed of Donavan's room I watch as he talks on the phone to his members about staying with me for the time being and that they should probably stay at the safety cabin for awhile longer to let our scents calm in the apartment. Once he hangs up and finishes packing up a suitcase I raise an eyebrow at the random little smile that crosses his face. "What?" He hums before turning and surprisingly straddles my lap his arms gently going around my neck. "Just thinking about my handsome alpha." I feel my cheeks tint a little pink in embarrassment and feel a little shy. "And that has you smiling?" He nods the smile getting a little bigger and I look down into his grey blue eyes we just sitting there with him in my lap staring at each other when I suddenly get this urge so I lean forward and gently press our lips together in a small kiss. He makes a soft noise kissing back a little it lasting about ten seconds before we pull away and just look at each other. I go to say something when suddenly my phone rings bursting the bubble between us I sighing and pick it up seeing Wonwoo's name. "Yes Wonwoo?" He informs me that he's outside waiting and I assure him that we'll be there soon before hanging up Donovan sighing a little. "We have to go don't we?" I give a little nod and he pouts but gets off my lap and zips up his suitcase before grabbing it and I get up gently taking it from him then take his hand and lead him down to the car I putting his suitcase in the trunk as Donovan gets in the back while I get in the passenger seat.

(Donovan's Pov)

Getting in the back of the car I feel Wonwoo's eyes on me and immediately feel both awkward and guilty. Swallowing a little anxiously I wait until we get to the hotel garage and for Seungcheol to get out to go get my luggage I blurting out. "I'm sorry. For how I treated you and how mean I acted. And thank you for looking after me and wanting me to be safe." He looks back at me before giving a small reassuring smile it easy to miss unless you're really paying attention. "Don't worry about it. You're one of us now and you were in a vulnerable situation any one of us would have helped you I was just conveniently there." I give a small shy smile. "Well still thanks." He smiles and hops out of the car I following silently while taking out my phone continuing a group chat I created for my manager and members so we could discuss a few things. I stay at Seungcheol's side as we head back to his room I relaxing a little once we enter. Putting my phone aside I grab onto Seungcheol's hand and start dragging him back towards the bathroom he giving me a confused look I just smiling at him stating simply. "We need a shower because poor Wonwoo was dying in the car from our scents and I don't want to shower alone." He lets out a little chuckle and ruffles my hair. "You go get the shower started and I'll get the shampoos and soaps." I smile and agree running to the bathroom turning the shower on setting it to the right temperature while getting undressed softly singing Seventeen's song Hot unconsciously doing a little bit of the choreography as well. Just as I really start to get into the song I feel hands resting on my waist making me jump and squeak before pouting when I smell Seungcheol's scent. "You scared me!" He chuckles softly burying his face against my neck. "Sorry jagi. I didn't know you were a fan of us though. And you're really talented at singing and dancing." I blush and mutter shyly. "Yes I'm a fan. And thank you but I'm a lot more comfortable rapping than singing." He hums in understanding as I step into the shower he handing me the shampoo and soap before getting in as well. We both relax at the hot water and I lean back against Seungcheol a little happily. "So you're a rapper for your group and the leader as well?" I nod with a hum of acknowledgement. "Yep Harry is the second rapper, Ben and Cameron are both the singers and dancers and Jay kinda switches around." He nods before saying apologetically. "I'm sorry we haven't heard of you guys." I chuckle softly. "It doesn't bother me because I know we're not exactly extremely popular or famous yet." It's quiet between us for a moment he washing our hair before I finally blurt out. "I'm putting my group on hiatus for a year." He pauses once he rinses all the shampoo out of our hair before looking down at me. "Why?" I give a little shrug. "Because we just got mated and your going to start touring around America again soon and I honestly don't want to be separated from you for almost a whole year when we just now have everything together." Multiple emotions cross his face before he says softly. "Jagi you don't have to do this. I know how excited you are to be able to get out there and get known. And what about your members?" I give him a reassuring look. "It's fine Seungcheol I want to do this and the members all agree that a year hiatus will be good. Harry wants to go back home to Ireland for a few and Ben is of course going as well then Jay and Cameron are going to take a long vacation for their mating day anniversary." Seungcheol slowly nods as we get out of the shower and dry off. "Alright so you're coming with us for the American tour?" I nod confirming it. "Yep! I already talked to your manager." I then rub my eyes tiredly after getting dressed and Seungcheol heads over scooping me up before carrying me to bed I sighing happily and slowly fall asleep.

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