Chapter 6: Freedom, Victory, Unity

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As Emmet and his family were sitting around, waiting for the spaceship to arrive at, wherever they were going, a loud rumbling sound started to slightly shake the craft, followed by a similar, but even stronger shake.

The people aboard, including the gang, were getting a little concerned, hoping and praying to the Man Upstairs himself they could make it out just fine on this little voyage, no matter what seemed to be causing everyone to worry.

The Special then noticed some sort of bright light outside the ship, looking through the nearby window, which wasn't a light per se, but the sight he did see shook Emmet to his core:

- An entire fleet of spaceships quite far from the little ship of their own, all vessels he could see burning and being destroyed without mercy by the Axis, which had a small recon group destroying everything they could find.

The most frightening part, was those crafts weren't even a Syspocalypstar military fleet...

The were civilian ships. Unarmed and harmless vessels, used to be sent as a mission of mercy to rescue innocent people from the fighting.

Injured, the elderly, woman, even many children aboard, with very few soldiers...

And the Axis are firing upon all those poor people just for the fun of it.

Those Axis pilots know perfectly well those civilians couldn't do anything, but they didn't care... Emmet didn't want to believe it, but those enemy fighters enjoyed what they were doing.

They don't care about people outside their own Galaxies. Heck, they barely care about each other! The Axis don't believe in mercy or acts of kindness. They just want to see everything else crumble.

But... that's not even the worst part of this scrambling through Emmet's mind.

People that lived or escaped from Axis territory and Star Systems, came to new Galaxies such as the D.P. worlds, and even chose to settle in Syspocalypstar itself, but, once they did... they never returned the same.

This is due to the fact many have heard... stories, of the Axis policies... stories of such acts of violence and cruelty, it shouldn't have been possible.

That they believe their people are, superior to others. Better, stronger, smarter, and much more in every way.

That the policies they have show extreme and horrifying things, that the people they consider... inferior, are a stain on existence.

That the Axis population, at least those they deem worthy, are the only ones who can - who should - survive.

Emmet just thought over and over how no one could seem that heartless, throw in the fact he's been able to see the good in everyone his whole life... But, there was an even more terrible rumor that may have proved him wrong.

: That the people the Axis deem unworthy and unfit had been removed forcibly from their homes, separated from their friends and family, and taken...

Taken to a place that seemed worse than heck itself... Where the people had been being exterminated in the millions, in the most horrific ways not even imaginable, where the punishment for being unworthy to the Axis is... beyond anyone's comprehension.

All those innocent people, suffering, just because of some big bad men in suits who think they own everything and get to treat anyone like garbage.

The Final Solution, the stories told...

Mass Genocide.

Forced Labor.

Experimentation on living beings.

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