10. The Mer-nevolent Plan

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"Are you sure he was trying to kidnap her?"

I massage my temples with my fingertips. It's been almost four hours since Two was rushed to the hospital, and the police are still questioning me about what happened. Not the whole time, of course. There were multiple coffee and donut runs. Looking back, a lot has transpired in the past few hours, and sharing every last detail takes time and is mentally draining. I've explained the highlights over and over to them. Unfortunately, 'I thought he was trying to kidnap the Congressman's daughter' has not been a good enough excuse for tasering a prince.

My cheeks burn with frustration and embarrassment. Every question is being asked in front of the audience in the waiting room. They keep picking at my story, questioning my every decision and motive. Compared to the credit card incident barely two days ago, this is complete, total humiliation.

Another officer approaches the waiting area from down the hall. Beside her walks Right and Left-Scar, the former carrying the giant stuffed lobster, the latter holding a black briefcase. Once they pass the check-in desk, I notice a fourth man trailing behind them. He has reddish hair neatly parted and combed. Just a few freckles scatter across his face. He smiles grimly when we make eye contact, producing the beginnings of a dimple on either cheek.

"Hi, Jessi," the female officer says. "I'm Deputy Sheriff Lui. I've been handling the investigation of the case."

"Hello," I say weakly.

"You, of course, know Thomas and Jerrod Catonmousse."

My eyes pop open. So that's what their names are. It's no wonder they didn't tell me before. I'm not sure I could've taken them seriously.

"And this is Prince Haydn," Officer Lui continues. "He is Prince Tewen's brother."

Aside from being taller, scrawnier, and a bit tidier, I can see the resemblance.

"So you had your tail removed, too?" I want to smack myself the moment the question leaves my mouth. The officer's brow creases, but fortunately, Prince Haydn cracks a smile.

"Yes, I'm afraid it's probably where Two got the idea."

"It seems that your story checks out," Officer Lui says. "We found a ransom note inside the stuffed lobster." She reaches into the busted seam atop the creature and pulls out a piece of paper. It's wrinkled from numerous water stains, and the black ink blurs together. Still, I can make out the message written in large, uneven letters:

If you want Taylor back, recognize the Kingdom of Aqualan as a sovereign nation, stop fishing in our waters, and quit driving boats overhead.


Short and to the point. That's about all I can say about the note.

"Thomas confessed to the kidnapping plan," Officer Lui says. "He told us that Two hired them off Craig's List a few days ago. Two spent all of his inheritance on them, which is why he needed you."

"He knew about the ATM?" I blurt out.

"What ATM?" Officer Lui's thin brows knit together.

"Nevermind." My grip tightens around my purse, containing the last of the bills from yesterday.

"He knew that you would be able to assist in his transformation into human society," Prince Haydn cuts in. "So he had the Catonmousse brothers abduct you. I believe the plan was to release you once they had Taylor." He glances at the brothers for confirmation. Both remain stoic.

"I'm still a bit confused though," I say. "Why did he want to kidnap Taylor?"

Prince Haydn sighs. "I'm afraid that it might have to do with me. You see, my father and I have been trying to get the UN to officially recognize Aqualan as a country. There's been major pushback, though, from other countries. If granted territorial sovereignty, we would essentially gain control of a radius of water in the Atlantic ocean, which would hamper commercial activities conducted by other countries, such as fishing. I was actually at a UN meeting this afternoon discussing the issue. I apologize for the delay in getting over here." His blue eyes glance surreptitiously at the officers behind me.

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