First Day on set

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Ross's POV///

So today is the first day on set of Austin and Ally I wonder who will be my Co-stars as I'm walking into the studio I see someone I recognize is that who I think it is I go up to the person and tap them on the shoulder they turned around I couldn't believe who it was................... Laura my old friend I haven't seen her since we
Were in middle school because me and my siblings started a band called R5 and moved to LA

Ross: Hi Laura

Laura: OMG Ross hello I haven't seen you in so long how have you been

Ross: I'm doing good how are you

Laura: I'm good what are you doing here?

Ross: I'm here because I got the part of Austin in the show what about you

Laura: That's awesome I'm here because I am playing Ally

Ross: so I guess we are Co-stars

Laura: yeah. Well how are the guys?

Ross: There doing good

Laura: That's good

Ross: yeah

*They get interrupted by the director*

Director: Hello everyone so for today you will be rehearsing your lines and you must fallow the rules of the set they are in your rooms.

#1. No Running on set
#2. Be kind to other Co-stars
#3. No messing around with other Co-stars
#4. If you have any questions or ideas go to the director

Ross's POV//

So I get to my room and I read the rules the last one is NO DATING OTHER CO-STARS like why can't we date are other Co-stars IDK but after that I get ready and go to the reading station (I don't know what it's called)
I see Laura sitting down and an empty seat next to her so I go sit down next to her I can't wait to work with her

Ross: hi Laura

Laura: oh hi Ross

Laura's POV///

So I'm just sitting there at the reading station going over my lines and Ross comes over and sits right next to me and says hi to me so I say hi back then I go back to reading my lines and Ross asked if I wanted to go over lines with him and I said sure since I didn't have anyone else to go over the lines with and because he is playing Austin so me and him have a lot of sense together then two people come up to us and said hi one of them said hi I'm Raini and I'm Calum

Laura: oh hi I'm Laura and this is Ross

Rain: Hi wait as in Ross Lynch from R5

Ross: yep so you're a fan

Raini: yeah I love your songs

Ross: cool

Laura: ok so Raini who are you playing?

Raini: I'm playing Trish

Laura: so we are best friends in the show

Raini: yep

Ross: Calum who are you playing?

Calum: Um Dez

Ross: Awesome

Calum/Ross:*do the Dez and Austin hand shake* What up

Director: you four over there*points to Ross, Laura, Raini, and Calum* you guys are the main characters

All of them: What

Director: yeah so start practicing your lines together and stop messing around

All: yes sir

So they all start practicing their lines and after they are done everyone leaves the director told them that they had to be there tomorrow at 10:00am  to start filling.

Ok so that's it for this chapter please vote for it and follow I know it's not that good but it's my first chapter it will get better and let me know what you think bye and I hope you enjoyed


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