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Ross POV//

I wake up it is 7:30 oh crap I'm going to be late filming starts at 10 but I have to get ready and I live half an hour away from set I grab my clothes and go take a shower after I shower I brush my teeth and get ready and get dressed I put on my light blue ripped jeans and a white shirt I put on a jacket and leave.

Laura POV//

I wake up to the alarm I set last night for 7:30 I get out of bed and grab my clothes I put out last night I go and take a shower I brush my teeth and get dressed I put on a pink crop top and light blue jeans I brush my hair and curl it a bit and then I leave and go to set.

After they all arrive at the set the director told them to get ready in there dressing room after they get ready they start to go over there line's with Raini and Calum after a while they start to chat.

Raini: so Ross how long have you know Laura?

Ross: umm since elementary

Raini: oh so you guys are like best friends

Ross: yeah friends *he says with a little disappoint* so Raini how long have you know Calum

Raini: umm about a year

Ross: cool so * gets interrupted*

Director: Laura, Ross, Raini, and Calum we need you on set

All: coming

Director: *explains what they are supposed to do*

After they film for a while they all go to there dressing rooms and change back Into their original clothes after they change Ross and Laura had plans to go to lunch together and Laura asked Raini and Calum if they wanted to go but Ross only asked Laura to go but guess what they said yes so they all leave and go to McDonald's and talk about the show and Ross and Laura get caught up and Raini and Calum just sit there talking to each other and Raini starts to notice how Ross and Laura are looking at each other...............

Ok I'm going to end it here I hope you enjoyed please comment what you think and vote it would really help and follow me for updates I'm sorry it took a while to upload this but I promise I will start to do better bye


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