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Raini's POV//

So me Calum, Ross and Laura where all at McDonald's talking and hanging out and while we are waiting for are I noticed how Ross was looking at Laura what is going on it's only been a couple of days since we started filling for two days all we did was practice lines and just started filling today don't tell me this Boy is falling in love with her.

Laura: O and when me and Ross where younger he used to have this weird nickname for me he-

Ross: I used to call Bunny because she loved Bunny's and I thought it was cute

Raini. Aww that is so cute. I have a question for you two

Raura: umm ok

Raini: did you two use to date?( Pont's at the two of them)

Raura: (Looks at each other) umm well sorta yeah we did back in middle school

Raini: o ok

Ross: why

Raini: o no reason

Raura: umm ok

Laura: so then after he started calling me that nickname and I started calling him Blondie I still do (Looks at Ross right Blondie ruffles his hair)

Ross: yeah yeah (fixing his hair,)

Calum: Just to say you two would look cute together

Raura: 😐😲

Raini: you know what I'm just going to come out and say this do you guys like each other?

Raura: huh what Noooo ( say dramatically)

Ross: plus even if the felling's came back or if we did like each other we wouldn't be able to date I mean hello it is literally #5 on the rules for the show and is in all caps No dating your Co-stars

Laura: True but here's my question why can't we

Raini: yeah I know right like why?

Calum: well maybe it's because it's best for the show and basically every Co-stars that have dated in real life and not just on the show or movie have broken up because of them having to kiss or date someone in another show or movie and then they get shipped with that person and it causes dram and splitting up so yeah

Ross: True you have a point Calum

Laura: yeah

Raini: ok back on the topic do u guys like each other again?

Ross: whaatt noo we are just friends

Laura: yeah plus we literally have just started filling and we literally just met up after a couple of years after him and his family moved to LA plus Raini can I ask you a question

Raini: yeah sure

Laura: Why are you asking me and Ross all these questions?

Raini: Idk maybe because of the way you two have been looking at each other and messing around and those weird nicknames you two have for each other

Ross: we literally mess around with each other since we were kids so it's kinda are thing right Bunny

Laura: yeah Blondie

Laura POV////

So we are waiting on are food and Raini just keeps asking questions about me and Ross it's kinda weird and Ross just called me his weird nickname for me he gave me year's ago ( Bunny) I don't know why Raini has been asking these questions tho and I just asked her and she said because of the way we are looking at each other and messing around I mean we have been meaning around and calling each other those nickname's since we were kids

Laura: ok when is the food going to get here I'm starving

Ross: patient's Bunny

Laura: ugh

Ok so they get there food and they talk and eat Laura and Ross talk about stuff they did when they were kids and teas each other and after they are done they left and went to Ross's apartment and hung out after a while they left because they had stuff to do tomorrow

Ok so I'm going to end it here I hope you liked it make sure to comment and vote and follow

- Comment your favorite song from Austin and Ally

And from now on at the end of each chapter I will put a photo love you guys bye


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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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